Friday, December 27, 2019

Converting VB6 to VB.NET

VB.Net has a built-in migration tool, but converting VB6 code to VB.NET isn’t as easy as loading it to the newer software. The migration tool does a lot of the work, especially with syntax, but nowhere near all of it. You must work on your VB6 code before you try to load it in VB.Net. Should You Upgrade the Code? Some types of programs are best left in VB6. If your projects use WebClasses, DHTML pages, and UserControls, the migration to VB.NET may not go smoothly. That isn’t to say you shouldn’t try. The migration wizard will list any critical issues, and you can go back and fix them. Preparing Your VB6 Code for Migration Remove any dead code that your program doesn’t use and join any duplicated code to reduce the code more. You can do this manually if you are patient or your program isn’t lengthy, or you can use a source code analyzer program to locate the duplicated or unused code. Fix Any Data Declarations If you used undeclared variables in your program, you have a lot of work ahead of you. Add proper type declarations to every Dim statement and add Option Explicit statements. This will smooth the import process. Don’t worry, if you miss any, you’ll find out later. VB.NET Wizard Goes to Work Open your program in VB.NET and wait while the migration tool does its work. Expect to receive a lengthy report listing all the upgrade issues—the ones the wizard fixed and the ones it didn’t. There will also be comments in the code near spots that need extra work. Try to Compile Don’t even hope for your code to compile the first time through. It won’t, but you’ll receive a long list of compile errors that you can go back and fix. Work on Your Code Using the reports, return to your code and fix the critical issues. When you’ve done them all, load the code into VB.NET again. You may receive another list of critical issues to fix, but eventually, it will make it through the wizard and the compiler. You’re not done yet. Look for comments the migration tool left in your code and do whatever the comments say. Now, run and test your program in VB.NET.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Holly Fashion - 2692 Words

cASE 6 HOLLY FASHIONS RAT I O A N A LYSI S Billion-dollal a pparel c ompanies s uch a s C alvin K lein a nd L iz C laiborne a re unusual i n t he g arment i ndustry, w hich c onsists p rimarily o f m uch s malier apparel m akers. O ne s uch f irm i s H olly F ashions ( HF), l ocated i n C herry F lill, New J eriey. H F w as s tarted 1 4 y ears a go b y W illiam H amilton a nd J ohn W hite, who b etween t hem h ad o ver 2 5:yearso f e xperiencew ith a m ajor g arment m anufacturer. A nd t he p artnership i nitially b lended v ery w ell. H amilton, r eserved and i ntrospective, i s e xtremely c reative w ith a r eal f lair f or m erchandising a nd trend s potting. M ainly a s a r esult o f h is g enius, t he H F l abel i s s ynonymous with†¦show more content†¦2. P art o f H amiltons e valuationw ill c onsisto f c omparingt he f irms r atios t o . the industry numbers shown in Exhibit 3. (a) Discuss the limitations of such a comparative financial analysis. (b) In view of these limitations, why are such industry comparisons so frequentlym ade? 3, Hamilton thinks thai the profitability of the firm to the owners hasbeenhurt by Whites reluctanceto use ftuch inteiest-bearing debt. Is this a reasonable position?E xplain. 4. The case mentions that {hite rarely takes trade discounts, which are typically 1 /10, n et 3 0.D oest his s eeml ike a w ise f inancialm ove?E xplain. 5. C alculatet he c ompanysm arket-to-book dV/BV) r atio. ( Therea re 5 ,000 O shares f c ommons tock.) o 6. Hamiltons position is that White has not competently managed the firm. Defend this position using your previous an.swers nd other information in a the c ase. 38 PARTII FINANCIAL ANALYSIS 7. Vyhites position is that he has effectively managed the firm. Defend this position using your previous answers and other information in the case. 8. Play the role of an arbitratoi. Is it possible based on an examination of the firms r atios a nd o ther i nformation i n t he c aset o a ssessW hites m anagerial competmce? Defend your position. 9. ( a) A re t he r atios y ou c alcul:ited b ased o n m arket o r b ook v alues? E xplain. (b) W ould y ou p refer r atios b ased o n m arket c ir b ook v alues? E xplain. EXHIBIT 1Show MoreRelatedHolly Fashion2683 Words   |  11 PagescASE 6 HOLLY FASHIONS RAT I O A N A LYSI S Billion-dollal a pparel c ompanies s uch a s C alvin K lein a nd L iz C laiborne a re unusual i n t he g arment i ndustry, w hich c onsists p rimarily o f m uch s malier apparel m akers. O ne s uch f irm i s H olly F ashions ( HF), l ocated i n C herry F lill, New J eriey. H F w as s tarted 1 4 y ears a go b y W illiam H amilton a nd J ohn W hite, who b etween t hem h ad o ver 2 5:yearso f e xperiencew ith a m ajor g arment m anufacturer. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Energy Management System under Energy Conservation

Question: Discuss about the Energy Management System under Energy Conservation. Answer: Introduction ISO 50001 is developed by International Organization for Standardization for managing of the energy requirements. The standard specifically reveals the desired requirements for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and improving the different energy management systems (Monaghan, 2014). The primary purpose is to enable the organizations for following a systematic approach in order to achieve continual improvement of the energy performances. This energy performance includes the energy efficiency, energy use, energy consumption and energy security. The standard helps in reducing the use of the energy, the cost price of the energy use and the emission of the greenhouse gasses. Main context ISO 50001 was basically released in June 2011 by ISO and is supposed to be suitable for any firm o different size, sector or the geographical location. This particular system is modeled after the launch of the EMS that is the system for the environmental management (Wongsapai, 2016). There are several reasons to use this such as for improving the energy-related performance and the energy efficiency continuously as to reduce the energy reduction opportunities. The use of this particular systematic approach generally helps different firms for establishing systems as well as the processes. The energy consumption and the effective use of the energy resources is a matter of concern and the organization I engaged in reducing the energy use possibilities. The consistency in the energy management initiatives helps the organizations to realize the untapped energy potential efficiency (Forbes and Walker, 2016). Reduction in the cost price of the energy use will help in increasing the effective ness of the performance of the different organizations concerned. ISO 50001 has formulated a major leap raising the bar urging the organizations to explain that they have significantly improved their overall energy performances. It is a matter of fact that there are no specifically mentioned for the targets- an organization needs to choose its own target and then it must develop an action plan in order to achieve the concerned action plan. In order to bring out the desired benefits for the concerned organization, the development of the action plan or following a systematic approach is supposed to be more important. There are different organizations of different sizes and types for which the reduction of the energy use is the primary aim (Andrade et al., 2015). Therefore, there needs to be significant use of the desired approach in order to reduce this energy consumption and to evaluate the effectiveness of the entire firm concerned. There are seven of the major components of ISO 5001: General requirements Managing the responsibilities Energy policy Energy action plan Implementation and operation Performance audits Management review ISO 5001 provides the desired framework of different requirements in order to help the firms: Development of policy for effective and efficient use of energy Fixed targets along with objectives to meet the policy Using of data in order to understand the use of energy consumption in a better way Measuring the results Reviewing the effectiveness of the policy Continually improving the use and managing of the energy References Andrade, J.C.S., and de Oliveira, J.A.P., 2015. The role of the private sector in global climate and energy governance.Journal of Business Ethics,130(2), pp.375-387. Forbes, D. and Walker, K., 2016, April. Operational Benefits of an Integrated QHSE and Sustainable Development Management System: A Case Study from the UK. InSPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility. Society of Petroleum Engineers. Monaghan, P.F., 2014. Lessons Learned: Guidance based on Early Experiences of Implementing ISO 5001 and SEP. Wongsapai, W., 2016. Performance Tracking of Thailand's Energy Management System under Energy Conservation Promotion Act.Energy Procedia,100, pp.448-451.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Rizals Life free essay sample

This film has power. I did not feel this 3-hours-movie long. Director Diaz-Abaya described Rizal not only from outside but from his inner side. The plot was very complicated, but still not difficult to follow. Since I first knew of Rizal in a book of Asian history, I have had a question. Why is Rizal the National Hero, not Aginard, nor Bonifacio? Rizal did little except writing two novels. Why? Watching the movie, I thought I had an answer. Historically, his books and his death triggered the revolution activities. But true reason is, I suppose, that Rizal had a universal view on humanity and freedom. I was impressed by the following two lines: 1) In a Madrid pub, he says Unless we first learn self-respect, we will not be respected by any other peoples. 2) After having death sentence, his barrister says he is ashamed as a Spanish. Rizal says, No, we are the same human beings. We will write a custom essay sample on Rizals Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He was not a perfect man, nor his ideas. But he left something everlasting, that Filipinos can be proud of. The next question I had was: His death triggered the revolution activities. Was it beyond his will, or did he want it to happen? The night before execution, the ghost of Simoun came out in his room, and urged him to rewrite the story. At last Rizal says Let me have a rest. To know who I am. Then he rewrites the story so that the lamp explodes to kill many suppressors. So, what Abaya wants to say? Anyway, it is a very good film. It is the first Philippine film put on a Japanese screen except kinds of film festivals. I hope more Philippine films are shown in Japan, especially Abayas. III. Conclusion Rizal sa Dapitan was good, the choice of characters was also good, but there should be improvements in the script, cinematography and music. I think the highlights of Rizal’s life was not just only when he was in Dapitan, but during the climax of events before his execution.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

7 tips for dealing with a psycho boss

7 tips for dealing with a psycho boss Even the best boss can seem like a tyrant sometimes. But did you know that some bosses are actually psychopaths? According to an Australian study, 1 out of 5 corporate executives exhibited clinically psychopathic traits. (For reference, the rate of psychopaths, in general, is 1 out of every 100 people.) Whether your difficult boss is psychotically inclined or not, here are 7 strategies you can use to deflate potential bad boss situations. 1. Determine what you’re dealing with.Is your boss just having a bad day, or is he like this all the time? Is she dealing with other factors (pressure from above, employees flaking out, etc.) that are making her be extra hard on you? Or are you being too hard on her? Think about what may be causing the behavior. It might not justify it, or make the behavior any more pleasant to deal with, but everyone has a bad day. It’s important to consider whether this is truly your boss’s default way of working, or if it’s just a one- off problem.2. Get everything in writing.If your boss is a chaos-producer by asking for something, then claiming later that you were asked for something entirely different, it’s your word against theirs. Write down what you can- for example, if you were given verbal instructions, confirm in a quick email just so everyone has a written record of what was discussed/asked.3. Stop and take a breath.If you’re having a conflict with your boss, jumping right in with a heated reaction could be something you’ll regret later. Take a minute, breathe, and think about your reaction. Again, thinking about the â€Å"why† behind your boss’s behavior can also help prevent you from reacting from a place of pure stress.4. Know and avoid the triggers.Does your boss always fly off the handle when someone is late? Be extra mindful of your arrival time. Rant about typos in an email? Proofread twice before you hit â€Å"send.† If there’s a pattern to Angry B oss’s behavior, it’s definitely in your best interest to know what that pattern is and learn how to counteract those triggers before they happen.5. Use communication strategies.This is a common therapeutic method for improving communication. Use active listening by repeating back what was said, and asking for clarification if necessary. Many conflicts are due to people not feeling listened to or understood, so if your boss thinks you’re not listening, it can escalate a conflict.6. Don’t let it derail you.You have a job to do, and if you let a toxic relationship with your boss affect your work and your behavior, that’s not going to help you. Try not to take it personally or let it affect the quality of your work. If you find yourself blowing things off out of frustration with your boss, that can make your professional rep suffer.7. Escalate if necessary.If your company has ways to confidentially air your concerns to HR (or a similar employee resourc e) and you feel like things are reaching a breaking point, consider taking your issues to them. If you dread going to work every day because of the misery that awaits you for the next eight hours, that’s not a situation that’s good for you or your company- consider finding an internal (and neutral) way to bring up the situation.We’ve all had a toxic boss at some point in our careers. Sometimes it gets better, and sometimes you just have to move on. Either way, don’t let it ruin your professional life in the meantime.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy Essay Example

Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy Essay Example Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy Essay Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy Essay The STM with its unmatched combination of high vertical and lateral resolution in a promising new tool that can be operated under ambient conditions, yielding three-dimensional detailed images, (H. Strecker and G. Persch, 1990, p441-445). The scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) is a solid-state microscope based on the principle of quantum mechanical tunnelling of electrons between a sharp tip and a conducting sample. Surfaces can be studied by allowing the individual atoms to be imaged in real space. By scanning the tip across a sample surface it is possible to image directly the three dimensional structure of a surface down to atomic scale resolutions. Prior to the invention of STM, the only way that surface structures could be deduced was by more indirect methods such as low energy electron diffraction (LEED) or medium-energy ion scattering (MEIS). Technique The tip used in STM is very sharp and ideally terminates into a single atom. The tip is mounted onto a system of piezo electric drives, which provide movement in three dimensions. (, 14/10/03). The movement is controllable with sub-atomic scale accuracy and can be brought within a few Amstroms of the conducting sample surface. The metallic tip and the conducting substrate are in very close proximity but are not in actual physical contact, (, 7/10/03). At separations as small as this, the outer electron orbitals of the tip and sample overlap. On the application of a bias voltage between the tip and the surface, electrons are able to tunnel through the vacuum barrier via the quantum mechanical tunnelling effect. The direction of current flow is determined by the polarity of the bias. If the sample is biased negative with respect to the tip, then electrons will flow from the surface to the tip as shown above, whilst if the sample is biased positive with respect to the tip, then electrons will flow from the tip to the surface as shown below. (, 7/10/03). The exponential (in vacuum) decay of the electron wavefunctions means that the tunnelling current is extremely sensitive to the tip-sample separation. This provides a very fine resolution of the surface. Quantum Mechanical Tunnelling The infinite potential walled particle in a box theory does not allow any of the wave function to escape the box as it would have to have more than infinity energy to cross the barrier. Allowing the potential energy well to be a finite number has the effect of making it possible for the wave function of a particle that is trapped in this potential well, to partially escape and thus have a presence outside the confines of the box. The wave function can transverse the potential barrier, although it will decay exponentially through the barrier. Assuming that the wave function does not totally decay away before the end of the barrier, the particle can have a physical presence on the other side of the potential barrier. If the potential barrier is long range, then the wave function will decay away exponentially and tend towards zero. Upon reaching the end of the potential barrier, the particle will have an infinite small wave function and zero presence on the other side of the barrier. This property is known as quantum mechanical tunnelling. (,10/10/03). The quantum mechanical phenomenon creates the high degree of sensitivity necessary for atomic scale imaging of surfaces. The quantum mechanical tunnelling current is highly dependent on the tip-surface distance. The distance between tip and surface is usually of the order of 0.3 nm and the tunnelling voltage V ranges from a few mV up to a few V, depending on the conductivity of the surface. The tunnelling current typically varies between 10 pA and 1 nA, ( /spm/introduction.html12/10/03). The tunnel current decreases to 1/10 of its initial value for every 0.1 nm increase in gap separation, (Kaiser, W. J. Stroscio, J. A., 1993, p78) The essential aspect of STM is the extreme sensitivity of the tunnelling current to the tip sample separation. It is therefore important to realise that the tunnelling current is a quantum phenomenon. In classical physics the current could not flow across a gap. Modes of Operation Constant height mode In this mode the vertical position of the tip is not changed, equivalent to a slow or disabled feedback. The tunnelling current varies depending on topography and the local surface electronic properties of the sample. The current as a function of lateral position represents the surface image. This mode is only appropriate for atomically flat surfaces. If the surface were not flat, the STM tip would crash. An advantage of constant height mode is that it can be used at high scanning frequencies (up to 10 kHz). (, 12/10/03). Constant current mode In the constant-current mode, the current is used as the input to a feedback circuit that moves the scanner together with the tip up and down in the height direction. With an applied potential, the tip is brought close to the sample surface until the tunnelling current set point is detected, at which point the constant-current feedback loop is locked. When the tip moves laterally to a new position, any subtle sample-tip distance variation will lead to the fluctuation of the tunnelling current. Consequently, the feedback circuit will move the tip up and down until the current keeps the set-point value. As a result, the moving tip keeps the constant sample-tip distance, tracing the surface topography. The main advantage of constant current mode is that the tip will not crash into a large cluster of atoms at the surface. Constant current mode can measure irregular surfaces with high precision, but the measurement takes more time, (http://std2.fic.uni.lodz. pl/stm.html, 13/10/03). (, 12/10/03). Tip etching The construction of the tip is one of the most crucial aspects of STM. The tip must be approximately one atom thick in order for the STM to be carried out effectively. Surface pictures can appear to be distorted due to the presence of more than one sharp protrusion, (Ouseph, P. J. Gossman, M., 1998, 701-704). Some important characteristics of a tip are * Sharp tips which allow high resolution STM observations * Small resonance area * Thick taper to reduce tip oscillation during STM scans (, 14/10/03) Multiple tips can be formed when suspended particles are picked up from the etching solution, (NaOH, KCN). Multiple tips often lead to the occurrence of shadow effects and ghost images, ( index.htm?/institute/ IFFP/daehne /forsch/rs-tips.htm, 20/10/03). Conditions The STM can operate in many different kinds of environments. A simple STM can be run in ambient air. However, in order to achieve effective results in Surface Science the STM is run in ultra-high vacuum. Vibration Isolation As the tip is oscillating across a very small area, it is important to isolate vibration. Vibration is kept to a minimum by several methods. Placing the STM on a spring/damping table is one way to cut out vibrations travelling through the floor. The first typical isolation system is the coiled spring suspension with magnetic damping and the second is a stack of metal plates with viton dampers between each pair of steel plates, (Kaiser, W. J., 1993, pp58). The basement level of a building is preferred because there are lower level of vibrations. To stop wave propagating through the air, a foam cover can be placed over the instrument, (, (19/10/03).

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Vertical and horizontal integration strategy Assignment

Vertical and horizontal integration strategy - Assignment Example t the end of this integration is the factory plant at River Rouge, Michigan where all these parts are assembled to become an automobile that will be later distributed in the market and sold. For a time, this strategy became very effective and contributed to Ford’s success. This strategy of vertical integration however eventually became obsolete as supply chain became complex and competition became stiffer. The introduction of new supply chain and inventory control such as Toyota’s Just-in-Time rendered vertical integration out of fashion. The recent recessions also exposed the vulnerability of vertical integration to economic and cyclical downturns. Thus, the strategy evolved to horizontal integration which is more appropriate for its global market. Horizontal integration as a strategy involves the acquisition of the production whose products are the same – either complementary or competitive (, 2009). The classic example of this strategy is buying competitors who sell the same product. In the case of Ford this is the acquisition of Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda, Jaguar, Land rover, Volvo and Aston Martin which was sold as an option of the company’s

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Production and Cost Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Production and Cost - Term Paper Example The article "Production and Cost" talks about the cost minimization and why it enhances the smooth operation of the organization and reduces raw materials wastage. Production should always be based on the best optimal way that emphasizes on customer value maximization. More importantly, proper controls on the production process and insistent of manufacturing only what is deemed necessary significantly reduces the cost of production. Natural resources and labor costs are the major expenses incurred in creating the final product. The optimum ordering levels should be maintained including the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) to enable smooth flow of production process. The natural resources, work in progress, and final goods must be honestly accounted for. Integration of organizational departments plays a pivotal role in minimizing the cost of production. Arguably, there is great need to reduce costs by considering both variable and fixed costs. Variable expenses can always be regulated to minimize the resulting cost of production. These are costs that increase as the output goes up and decreases when output reduces. Variable costs may comprise of natural resources and direct labor costs. They include costs such as electricity and overtime wages paid to workers involved in the direct production of goods. A company may, therefore, regulate its variable cost to minimize the cost of production. Fixed costs are exogenous hence unconnected with the output. The total fixed cost always remains independent for a long time.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Goyard, Luxury Handbags Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Goyard, Luxury Handbags - Assignment Example This makes the mode of placing orders to the making of payment to be secure as compared to the use of telephones in performing the transactions. Goyard associates with the aristocrats and elite in society who have more money to spend and do less to continue earning a decent living. This defies the Maslow pyramid in which luxury brands to the wealthy has evolved into a necessity (King 2009, pp. 3). For instance, a high number of those placing orders in Goyard stores such as Barneys New York tend to be celebrities in which the current world and entertainment industry view them as the trendsetters for fashion. Most of these orders are hand-made from the workshops in France making the orders to be as per a clients’ specification. On the other hand, Goyard also manufactures wallets, totes, and handbags that target men, women, that are luxury conscious because of the strictness attached to the making of the products. The trunks also attract specification applications in which a trun k maker may design one by working with the specifications given to them for particular trunks meaning that they tend to be different from each other. Goyard has for a long time made use of the serial number and initial placement of the trunks designs, which makes it easy to trace the specific customer orders. Jean Michal Signoles came up with this tracking system when he took up operations at the helm of Goyard where the trunk makers register the serial numbers in the manufacturing resister that is helpful when there is the need to repair the sold goods. As per the company records, the company has at least twenty trunk makers working in Goyard workshops that specialize in sided luggage and made-to-order... Goyard Company began operations in 1792 as a family business and maintained its engagement with its customer base to date. The company’s range of products includes trunks, pet accessories, and an assortment of other leather products while its main client base consists of royalty and celebrities p.Goyard products are luxury brands meaning that the production of its products for sale may be through the placement of orders and not on shop sales. Under the guidance of Morel Maison, Goyard mainly dealt in the production of leather trunks for the Duchess of Berry hence making his products to serve royalty. y.The only criteria that Goyard customers use in making purchase is via email and not on any other avenue. Over the years, many have reported cases of making purchases of fake Goyard products hence losing a lot of money through unscrupulous businesspersons. Unlike other businesses that make sales online through trading websites, Goyard does its online sales in a discrete manner an d allows registered customers to make inquiries regarding the products that they may have for sale. Other details communicated through this medium are the shipping details and the cost for the products hence making any other source of information delivery channel to be unreliable. Goyard also uses a remarkable policy as it makes replies to emails directly from its Paris headquarters through one of its staff members.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Descartes And Nietzsche Views On Human Nature Philosophy Essay

Descartes And Nietzsche Views On Human Nature Philosophy Essay The French philosopher, Renee Descartes wrote his famous book Meditations on First Philosophy and first published in 1641. The book consists of six meditations where Descartes writes all his beliefs, queries and concerns about the uncertain things and the things that he is sure about. In his meditations, he discussed the human nature and the human beings in depth explaining his belief that mind and body are separate and his famous cogito I think, I exist. First of all, the human nature for Descartes is composed of mind and body and how they are distinct from each other. In the Sixth mediation Concerning the Existence of Material Things and the Real distinction between Mind and Body, Descartes mentioned that the body and the soul are not alike and called his thesis mind-body dualism. The mind- Body dualism explains that the body and mind can perceive things clearly apart from each other because God creates everything distinct and independent from each other. He referred to the mind as I; therefore he reached an argument that he is a thinking thing A thing that doubts, understands, affirms, denies, is willing, is unwilling and also imagines and has sensory perceptions (Descartes). Therefore, the mind is a non-extended thing, indivisible clear and different from the body while the body is an extended, divisible and non thinking thing. The nature of a body for Descartes can understand and perceive the shape of other bodies. The essence or the nature of the mind can distinguish between the power of imagination and understating where imagination is the picturing of things and understanding is the perception of things without comprehension. The second view of Descartes was concerning the human being; he referred to the cogito I think, I exist as being the essence of the existence of a human being. Therefore, a human being exists and is capable of thinking; Descartes affirms that a human being is a substantial union , a unified entity of a body and mind where each on e of them is separate and this assumption leads to the human nature and the distinction between body and mind. He also argued that a something exists because there is something already exists and creates it; this leads to his arguments about the existence of God as being perfect who creates a human being. We, as human beings, are not infinite or perfect beings and we are susceptible of committing errors and mistakes because we dont have the unlimited ability to recognize the truth. Referring to Friedrich Nietzsche and his book twilight of the Idols, he was against the philosophy of Descartes the mind- body dualism and that the body and mind are separate and also rejected the Christianity doctrines which deny the ideology of a human being. He affirms that the mind and body are one entity and are one aspect of the nature of human beings. He mentioned that a human being can define himself by having the will to life which leads to the will to power. He described the will to power as being the driving force for achievement and leadership by the human beings in face of the miseries of human nature. The doctrines of Nietzsche regarding the will to power and the will to life contradict the doctrines of Christianity; therefore, Nietzsche was against Christianity as being an anti-life weak. Christianity teachings promote self-sacrifice, devotion and quietude which denies the values of human being and their driving force will to power. He also mentioned that human beings are having innate human natures and desire. The desires existing within us form and define the state of the human being; a reasonable, strong human being can control himself and avoid drawbacks in life and a weak human being is the one who doesnt have self-control and denies these desires or passions. Therefore, Nietzsche concludes that a human have to accommodate with his human nature and passions which eventually leads to the greatest moralities. Based on the two platonic dialogues (Apology and Phaedo), discuss the relationship of the philosopher with the polis. In addition to the political community of the City of Athens, Socrates is pointing to another community, what do you think is the significance of this Socratic gesture? The polis is the city-state of the Greek civilization; the city states in Greece were small communities and were male-dominated. The citizens of the polis were the elite groups while slaves, peasants, women and resident aliens were not part of the structure of citizens. The citizens involvement in the Polis was directed towards politics, intellectual discussions and art contributions. The Greek philosophers examined basic questions such as the nature of good and evil, the after-life, wisdom and other issues. The art of politics was closely related to the logos or logic; the polis witnessed the management of language, the excellence of speeches, the discussions of the polis issues. The relation between the philosopher and the polis was an unstable relation due to the corruption of the Greek polis and the unjust ruling of the elite groups. Plato and Aristotle were the most famous and well-known philosophers at that time and they had a great influence on the Greek polis. As we know Plat o was a student of Socrates therefore he was influenced by his teacher to the greatest extent. The affection of Socrates on Plato is clear and plain in Platos dialogues. Plato showed his interest in the polis in his book the republic by discussing the necessary fundamentals of a welfare society; the spiritual, mental and physical development of one citizen contributes to the overall benefit of one society. In The Republic, Plato discussed many topics for example justice, ethics, nature of politics and statesmanship. He also critiqued the existing status of the polis, its institutions and its political order. For Plato, the polis is ruled by self-interest rulers (elite groups) who are seeking lust in power and strength, thus the polis is disordered community ruled by self-interest rulers who claim possessing the knowledge but in fact they are ignorant, unwise and do not how to rule or govern the citys affairs because they are driven by their desires and appetites for power. Referring to Socrates trial, Plato condemned the rulers of the polis and so called the Athenian democracy upon the death of Socrates. Aristotle in his famous book Politics expressed his views concerning the Polis or the Greek community. He classified the government as being: monarchy or tyranny, aristocracy or oligarchy, law abiding or lawless democracy. Aristotle also explained the prevailing problems in the polis concerning the poverty and slavery; he saw that the best performing polis is the city that combines between democracy, legitimacy and just rules. Obviously, the Greek polis at that time was lacking the three components of Aristotles beliefs about a welfare and prosperous polis. Aside from Plato and Aristotle, the sophists were part of the Greek community; they were responsible of teaching the Athenians sons for a free. They were excellent in rhetoric and speech skills; they possessed the art of public speaking and the persuasion skills too; the least the sophists cared about was t he truth. In Platos dialogues, Socrates addressed the Men of Athens as a corrupt community who are ignorant and do not know how to govern the city justly under fair rules. The community which Socrates is part of was corrupt, condemning him to a death sentence because of allegations made by Meletus and his followers. Socrates was accused falsely as being a bad teacher who is poising the youths minds and not believing in the god and goddesses of Athens. For Socrates, the Athenian Community was a lawless community controlled by judges who dont apply the law that they sworn to do. He also pointed to another community which evokes inquires and questions of Socrates along the two dialogues; it was the community where Socrates can find justice, tranquility and fairness with dead true judges. He described them in his queries about the after-life; Socrates said in his trial that he is not afraid of death. He described death an easy and a blessing thing from God; he also was conceived that a good man cannot be harmed in life or death and his good deeds and affairs will save him in the afterlife. He also believed that he will be moved to a peaceful place where he will be re-united with the dead community who has good deeds too in heaven. He was content that he will be in the companion of famous and wise heroes like Orpheus and Musaeus, Hesiod and Homer and will continue practicing his philosophy with them. Finally, I think that the significance of the Socratic gesture about the dead community is his way of trying to glorify the concept of death as being a benevolent and peaceful thing not a tragedy or fearful as the living community think who lamented on his death sentence and his separation from the living world. He also tries to picture that the other place in after life is a perfect place where he will be meet honest women and men which is totally opposite to the Greek community as being corrupt and unlawful at that time.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Toni Morrisons Sula :: Toni Morrison Sula Essays

Toni Morrison's Sula In the book Sula by Toni Morrison, Morrison’s ambiguous link between good, evil, and guilt, she is able to show that these terms are relative to each other and often occur mutually. In her comparison of good and evil, Sula states that "Being good to somebody is just like being mean to somebody. Risky. You don't get nothing for it" (145). Good and evil are being compared as if they are equal and that is how the book is structured. For instance, Eva's burning of Plum is a complex conjunction of motherly love and practicality and cannot be described as simply being a good act or a bad one. The killing of Chicken Little is a similarly ambiguous situation from which Sula and Nel's feelings are unclear. Lastly Sula, upon her death bed, questions what it means to be good and suggests that it what may be considered bad could in reality be good. Both in the syncopated style of Morrison's writing and the morally ambiguous portrayal of characters, cause the reader to question morals and think about them on a larger scale. Although on the surface, Eva's burning of Plum appears as a ghastly and un-motherly act (not to say that it isn't ghastly), with more analysis becomes a more perplexing question. When Eva pours kerosene on Plum, it is described as a sort of baptism, "He opened his eyes and saw what he imagined was the great wing of an eagle pouring a wet lightness over him. Some kind of baptism, some kind of blessing he thought" (47). Eva believes that she is liberating Plum from his depressed, drugged life and saving his soul. The eagle that plum imagines seeing is a symbol of liberty and the wing is a symbol for maternal love as a bird may nestle its chicks with its wing. Even when Nel later visits Eva in the nursing home, Eva approves of her liberation of Plum. She disapproves of Nel and Sula's throwing Chicken Little in the water, yet justifies killing Plum by saying, "It's awful cold in the water. Fire is warm. How did you get him in?" (168). Sula and Nel are both guilty for Chicken Little’s death, one for throwing him into the river and the other for watching it. No one is going to defend their actions, however whether Nel is guilty or not is a far more difficult question.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Christmas-Time Essay

â€Å"Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time.† (Laura Ingalls Wilder) Christmas is coming, it is one of the most important and magnificent holidays of the Christian calendar. This is a miraculous time of year when people begin to believe in miracles again and become pure-minded like heartfelt children. We all come from childhood. This is a fun and good time which is associated with sweet memories and a sense of continuing happiness. I remember this happy-go-lucky period of my life when I dreamed with confidence without thinking whether my dreams would come true or not. On Christmas Eve there were dozens of lights which burnt in my house. Honestly, this amazing picture made my heart so bright and happy that I wanted to embrace the whole world. I waited always for Christmas time because it was very great to help my parents to make a special dinner and feel breathtaking holiday atmosphere. Even growing up I become a light-hearted child again for a while, forget all the troubles and plunge into the world of magic at Christmas. Moreover, everything changes in the days of Christmas. In this period of time even the most hardened cynics turn into romantics and become a little kinder. Most people forget about all the difficulties and could be among friends and relatives. All the year round we called each other on the phone occasionally, however at Christmas all loving people gather together at the same table. There is an opportunity to hug each other, talk, and wish happiness during this marvelous night. On Christmas Eve, the sky opens its gates, and we can make a wish, importantly that it should be sincere and from the heart. I want to believe that we can start a new countdown on the eve of this holiday and our life will be more successful and full of incredible things. Once upon a time there was already a miracle, the birth of Jesus Christ. We yearn to believe in wonders and wish to let a little Christmas magic enter into our lives. Enjoy your life and go towards your dream like children – and then the most cherished desires will be fulfilled.

Friday, November 8, 2019

October Themes and Special Events for Elementary School

October Themes and Special Events for Elementary School This list of October themes, events, and holidays have correlating activities to go with them. Use these ideas for inspiration to create your own lessons and activities, or use the ideas provided. Celebrate Bullying Prevention Month and School Safety Month all October long. October Holidays and Events With Correlating Activities October 1st - World Vegetarian Day Celebrate this special day by having student partake in a thematic unit on nutrition. Plus: investigate eating healthy with a healthy snacks lesson plan. October 2nd - World Farm Animals Day   Celebrate farm animals by taking a field trip to your local farm. October 3rd - Techies Day This day is to honor all new technology. Learn about tech tools for the classroom, iPad apps, and assessment apps. October 4th - National Diversity Day Teach students about the importance of diversity in the world by playing games and partaking in activities. October 5th - World Teacher Day Honor and celebrate all teachers. October 6th - Mad Hatter Day Decorate a hat and watch an Alice in Wonderland movie to celebrate this fun day. October 7th - World Bullying Prevention Day   Bullying is a serious issue in schools today. On this day spark a discussion and partake in activities that relate to bullying. October 8th - National Face Your Fears Day Have students take a moment to think about what they fear most. Then take turns going around the room discussing these fears. As a class, brainstorm ways they can overcome these fears. October 9th - Fire Prevention Day The week of October 6-12 is fire prevention week. During this time, teach kids about fire safety. October 10th - World Mental Health Day   Help students understand developmental disorders by shedding some light on Autism, and other disorders that children may see or hear about in school. October 11th - Eleanor Roosevelts Birthday   Honor this wonderful woman on her birthday by teaching students about her. October 12th - Universal Music Day   Celebrate music day by having students partake in a variety of music-related activities. October 13th - Astronomy Day Allow students to learn about the stars and the sky. October 14th - Columbus Day   Sail the sea with Columbus Day activities for students in grades 1-3. Plus: How much do your students really know about Columbus Day? Take a quiz or try a word search and find out. October 15th - White Cane Safety Day Celebrate the blind and visually impaired by teaching students all about disabilities. Talk about Helen Keller and all she went through. October 16th - World Food Day   Have students join the global movement to end hunger by bringing in can foods to donate to your local shelter. October 17th - Black Poetry Day Honor the birthday of Jupiter Hammon the first black American to publish his poetry. Learn about his past and have students try to write a poem of their own. October 18th - National Chocolate Cupcake Day   What a wonderful day to celebrate! Have students put on their chef hats and bake cupcakes! October 19th - Sweetest Day   This is a day to honor the people you love the most. Have students write a poem, letter, or story to their family. October 20th - Information Overload Day In todays society, we are overloaded with information so on this day give students a break! October 21st - Reptile Awareness Day   This day may freak students out just a little bit. But, its important for them to learn about all species. Take the time and have students learn all about reptiles. October 22nd - National Nut Day   In this day and age, it isnt uncommon for a student to have a nut allergy. This day was designed to recognize the healthy eating of nuts, but teachers can use this day to talk about the serious risks of nut allergies. October 23rd - National iPod Day The iPod is over 10 years old! If students are privileged enough to own an iPod, allow them to bring it to class and give them a chance to play a learning game at recess. October 24th - United Nations Day On this day, teach students all about the United Nations. Then break students into cooperative learning groups and see how much they learned. October 25th - Frankenstein Friday   Oh, how much fun your students will have on this day! Watch the Frankenstein movie, eat green food, and paint fun pictures to honor this spooky character. October 26th - Make a Difference Day   This day is the largest national day of helping others. Take time out of the day to have students help a fellow friend, teacher, or someone special. October 27th - Theodore Roosevelts Birthday   Honor this historic president by having students write a biography poem. October 28th - Statue of Libertys Birthday   Who doesnt love NY? Honor the Statue of Liberty by teaching students important facts about this statue! October 29th - International Internet Day   What would we do without the internet? That is a question you can pose to students. Have each child write an essay to answer that question. October 30th - John Adams Birthday   Honor the second President of the United States by teaching students some things they did not know about him. October 31st - Halloween Celebrate this fun holiday with themed lesson plans.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Gender Inequality in America

Gender Inequality in America Introduction This paper is aimed at presenting the timeline that can throw light on the history of gender discrimination in America. In particular, it is important to focus on such issues as occupational segregation, gender pay gap, education, and political representation because they determine the status of a person in the society. To a great extent, these examples can demonstrate how this problem evolved with time passing.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Gender Inequality in America specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Timeline 1619 The proposal to provide men and women with equal portions of land is not supported the Virginia House of Burgesses (Miller, 1966). They were allowed to have only 50 acres of land (Miller, 1966, p. 201). This event is not closely discussed by historians; however, it could have profound implications for the status of males and females in the United States. The main problem is that this decis ion contributed to the economic inequalities between men and women, and the legacies were noticeable for a long time. Overall, the restriction prevented many women from acquiring the positions of great authority in the new settlements. 1692 This year is marked by the beginning of the Salem witch trials. They resulted in the execution of many people who were mostly women. This event highlighted the extent to which women were vulnerable to the prejudices of the society. Admittedly, this catastrophe cannot be explained only by gender discrimination because it also takes origins in the religious beliefs of people who instigated these trials. However, one should keep in mind that the accusations of witchcraft could stem from the deep prejudice against women, especially those ones who were not married. Therefore, this event can also be viewed as a form of gender discrimination. 1769 The colonies adopt laws according to which women are not allowed to possess their own property. This privil ege was given only to their husbands. These laws should not be disregarded because they virtually deprived women of their self-sufficiency. The policy of the government contributed to the formation of a patriarchal society in which women could not express their views on any significant issue such as political life of the society or its economic development. Therefore, the importance of this event cannot be underestimated.Advertising Looking for report on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More 1772 Salem College is established. It should be noted that it was the first college established for females. It should be noted that for a long time, this college was the only educational institution that served the needs of women. One should keep in mind that the first co-educational college was founded only in 1833. This lack of attention to the education of women deprived them of many employment opportunities. 1787 T he delegates present at the Constitutional Convention decide that voting qualifications should be determined by the legislators of separate states (Vile, 2005). As a result, women are denied the right to vote in every part of the United States, except New Jersey. This particular event is important because it lead to the exclusion of women from the political life of the society. Moreover, they did not have any direct channels for influencing the development of the society. 1807 Females are deprived of the right to vote in New Jersey. It should be mentioned that at that time, New Jersey was the only state in which females were allowed to take part in the political life of the society. This event demonstrated that the state legislators wanted to exclude females from the political life. This problem was addressed only at the beginning of the twentieth century. 1848 Seneca Falls Convention is organized. During this convention, various female activists discussed the issues related to the problems encountered by women. In particular, they focused on such issues as employment, education, and political representation. This event attracted the attention of many journalists who discussed the arguments put forward by female activists. This convention was one of the landmarks in the development of the civil rights movement. 1848 The famous Myra Clark case begins. This case was vital for the status of women because it was related to their legal rights to inherit and own property. One should bear in mind that at that time, only several states enabled women to enjoy property rights.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Gender Inequality in America specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, the verdict of the court could have profound implications for the economic status of American women. At that time, they were struggling for the right to act as independent economic agents. 1867 American legislators give the ri ght to vote black men. Nevertheless, women are denied the same right. To a great extent, this controversial decision stimulated women’s right movement because at that time, many females understood that American legislators had been unwilling to promote their political empowerment. This is one of the details that be singled out. 1872 The Congress passes legislation according to which the employees of the federal government should be given equal pay regardless of their sex. The main problem is that this right was not given to the female employees of private companies. As a result, many females could not protect their interests in the court. The problem was resolved only in the second half of the twentieth century when legislators began to eliminate wage discrimination. 1872 Susan Anthony is arrested for trying to vote. This event was important because it indicated that the state could take punitive action against women who were willing to take part in the political life of the country. This decision increased the tensions in the American society. At that time, the struggle for the right to vote was critical for many American women. 1873 It is important to speak about the case which is known as Bradwell v. Illinois. According to the decision of the Supreme Court, state legislators had a right to deny women the right to work as lawyers. This event should not be overlooked because it prevented many women from entering legal profession. As a result, their views on many social problems were often overlooked by the state. To a great extent, this Supreme Court decision can be viewed as an example of occupational segregation. One should keep in mind that the ability to practice legal profession was critical for the promotion of women’s rights.Advertising Looking for report on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More 1896 The National Association of Colored Women is established. It should be kept in mind that this organization was important for protecting people who could be discriminated on the basis of their gender as well as race. The association was vital for supporting many underprivileged women who faced different forms of discrimination. 1897 The New York State Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage is founded. This organization attempted to show female suffrage could not benefit the society. The formation of the organization intensified the tensions in the American society. The members of this organization were extremely critical of the increased political representation of women. 1920 This year was marked by the adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment according to which the state legislators could not deny citizens the right to vote on the basis of their sex. The change in the U.S. legislation enabled women to influence the internal and external policies of the country. Yet, it is critical to remember that the political participation of women was not welcomed by many governmental officials. 1945 The administrators of Harvard Medical School agree to admit women. Later these restrictions on the admission of women were removed in other educational establishments. This example is important because it shows that for a long time, women were barred from the most prestigious universities such as Harvard. Therefore, one can say that they were deprived of opportunities for achieving higher social status. It is also important to mentions that these barriers were not required by the state. In many cases, this sexism was imbedded in the policies of separate educational institutions. 1946 It is important to speak about the case which is known as U.S. v. Ballard. This court decision limited the ability of women to act as jurors. In many cases, the lawyers were allowed to exclude female candidates who wanted to become jurors. Therefore, very often women could not express their views on various criminal cases. This is one of the issues that should be considered. 1963 The U.S. Congress adopts Equal Pay Act which explicitly prohibits discrimination against women in the workplace. In particular, this law is related to the compensation provided to male and female workers. The adoption of this law significantly raised the income of women in the United States. One should keep in mind that this law was supposed to eliminate different forms of discrimination that could be based on race, ethnic origin, religion or race. This legal act enabled women to protect their interests in the court and companies that were biased against female workers could be required to pay fines. 1973 Military academies in the United States are required to admit women. It should be noted that before this event, the United States Army excluded women, even though in many cases, this institution relied on their labor. In turn, the decision created more opportunities for women who wanted to join mil itary organizations. However, this example also indicates that even after World War II, the American government was unwilling to promote the empowerment of women. 1978 The discrimination against pregnant women is prohibited by the state. It should be noted for a long time, employers could easily fire women who got pregnant. Very often, pregnancy could be one of those factors that slowed down the career growth of many female employees. Moreover, female employees could not protect the position in the court. 2007 It is important to mention the Supreme Court case known as Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire. According to this decision, a worker can sue an employer for gender pay discrimination only during the period which is limited to 180 days (Leavitt, 2013, p. 163). Therefore, this decision enhanced the legal power of companies. Furthermore, many of the discriminatory practices went unpunished. Thus, it is possible to say that gender discrimination has not been completely discriminated, but i n the course of history, the American society has made considerable achievements in the promotion of equality. Additionally, there are many legal provisions that enable women to protect their interests. Reference List Leavitt, G. (2013). Class Conflict: The Pursuit and History of American Justice. New York, NY: Transaction Publishers. Miller, J. (1966). The First Frontier: Life in Colonial America. New York, NY: University Press of America. Vile, J. (2005). The Constitutional Convention of 1787: A Comprehensive. New York, NY: ABC-CLIO.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Pick a topic from the link provided in the details section Essay - 1

Pick a topic from the link provided in the details section - Essay Example In recent times that unfortunate reality has began to change. The Department of Education along with other government agencies have made curbing violence in schools a priority. More so than ever, schools now have the information and encouragement necessary to make sweeping improvements in this area. Bullies threaten students. The act of bullying threatens the effectiveness of education process. Students cannot learn as well while dealing with both physical and emotional trauma during the school day. Emotional scars due to abuse at school are hidden but can run deep affecting a persons general outlook on life and detrimental patterns of behavior for years following graduation. A 2010 Center for Disease Control study involving middle and high school students revealed more than one-fifth had been teased or otherwise verbally shamed within the past year on school property, most on at least a weekly basis. One in ten students had been lightly assaulted (pushed, spit on) or threatened with physical violence. A national survey asked teachers if they thought bullying to be a moderate or major issue. Nearly half said it was with 40 percent saying they witnessed bullying on a regular basis, at least once a week. ("Bullying/Cyberbulling(a)," 2014) Its sound reasoning to prevent bullying. The relatively minimal effort involved seems very small when comparing the unknown human costs associated with long-term physical and emotional scars of the victim. Prevention programs instituted by schools have shown to drastically reduce the instances of aggressive behavior. Simply talking about the issue is a good first step in prevention. Bring parents and students together to talk about the problem. They can help assess how rampant and serious the problem is at a particular school. In addition, schools must understand the types of bullying as well as other possible contributing factors such as drugs and race relations. When students, parents and school

Friday, November 1, 2019

Enligh Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Enligh Literature - Essay Example His wife continues to question him and on her insistence, he tells her he would not. Then, she storms out and shows his indifference towards him by reading and locking up herself. He continues with the chores and later finds her locked in the bathroom. He tells her he would marry her and she says, she'd see! Later, she asks him to switch off the lights and when she walks into the room, he finds himself with a stranger in his wife! The first issue we encounter in the journal is not the major theme of Racial Discrimination but that of the relationship between the husband and wife. The husband is shown as a compassionate and considerate husband, as he helps her with the chores. Later, however, we do feel that his love might be limited by racial undertones, as he says he would not have married her if she was black. This uncovers the fact that humans tend to overlook love and give more importance to trivial walls like race and colour. The basic emotions go for a toss when one possesses an attitude that divides humanity. The next issue

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Biography of Kathleen Kenyon, the Renowned Biblical Archaeologist Research Paper

A Biography of Kathleen Kenyon, the Renowned Biblical Archaeologist - Research Paper Example In a recent, somewhat quirky biography, she is described as â€Å"a modest woman who had confidence in her own judgement, a kind woman who did not suffer fools easily, and a pioneer in her discipline who many found insufficiently ‘academic’. She was known for her love of dogs, pink gin, and digging.†1 Kathleen Kenyon was certainly unconventional by the standards of her Edwardian youth, and it is this determination to step aside from the restrictions of convention in her work as much as in her private life which made her such a significant contributor to the field of biblical archaeology. Birth, Education, and Youth It seems that from the moment of her birth, Kathleen Kenyon was destined to follow a career in the field of biblical archaeology. She was born on the 5th of January, 1906, as the eldest daughter of the eminent but rather shy biblical scholar, Sir Frederic Kenyon. The family was an ancient one, with lands in Shropshire; the Greek and Latin scholar Freder ic and his wife had a family home in Harrow-on- the-Hill near London.2 This was an academic household with many books and an expectation that all members of the family would take an interest in things to do with history and the Christian faith. Kathleen’s father went on to take up a post of a director of the British Museum in London, giving the family a connection with all the greatest treasures in British archaeological history. The young Kathleen and her younger sister, Nora, had a conventional upper class childhood with governesses coming to teach them at home at first, followed by attendance at exclusive girls’ schools: first a provincial one during the war, and then the highly academic Saint Paul’s Girls’ School where Greek and Latin were taught to prepare the students for entry into Oxford and Cambridge Universities.3 This was in many ways a charmed early life, so that, despite the events of the First World War, Kathleen Kenyon enjoyed an idyllic ch ildhood and access to some of the best education that money could buy. The moral and religious values of this family along with a tendency towards studious activities remained with Kathleen as she grew into adulthood, and she was a churchgoer throughout her later life. The schooling that Kathleen received and her own hard work at her studies ensured that she was accepted at Somerville College Oxford to study history. This was, as was typical at that time, a segregated institution which looked after the lodgings and welfare of its all-female student population, although students also attended mixed lectures across the whole of the university. The value of such a high status family upbringing was to prove critical in other ways also, because the young Kathleen came to know various eminent scholars and researchers through family connections. This key advantage led to her first experience of actual fieldwork, because she used these connections to get to know expedition leaders and acqui re junior positions on their trips. Excavations In her early twenties, Kathleen participated in an archaeological excavation in what was then Rhodesia (today’s Zimbabwe), and then became part of a team led by the renowned British archaeologists couple, Mortimer and Tessa Wheeler, which was excavating ancient Roman remains at St. Albans in the South of England. The man, Mortimer Wheeler, taught her his methods and became a mentor for her, guiding her to take up the latest scientific methods. This activity was broken off by the advent of the Second World War, in which Kathleen performed the duties as an administrator of the London Institute of Archaeology affiliated to the University of London; she also participated in volunteer activities with the Red Cross

Monday, October 28, 2019

Federalist papers-The House of Representatives and the Senate Essay Example for Free

Federalist papers-The House of Representatives and the Senate Essay The United States congress which is also the legislature one of the three arms of government is divided into two chambers; the House of Representatives ‘house’ and the Senate. They both serve a vital role in ensuring that the proper policies and laws that represent the citizen’s views are passed. The House of Representatives is made up of representatives from all the states. The Senate being the upper house is made up of individuals two from every state who are chosen by not looking at the populations in the states. Thus ensuring equal representation. They have the powers of consenting treaties, appointing federal officials for instance judges, secretaries in the cabinet and even the senior military personnel. The Publius writings are the name under which the Federalist papers were referred to back in the day when they were being formulated. These papers aid in highlighting the functions of the House and Senate in relation to how they were formed, the principles that govern how the members are elected, how they work and how their role plays an important part in the formulation of policies. There are several differences and similarities between these two chambers. The differences include that the senate is headed by the sitting Vice President who will vote in case there is a tie. The House of Representative is headed by the speaker who is elected by the members. â€Å"The senate is made up of 100 senators while the house has about 435 representatives and the number is determined by the populations they represent. In addition, the senators serve six year terms while the representatives serve 2 years (Patrick 225).† Though having many people means that the citizens’ views are well represented, these large numbers are said to inhibit them reaching a solution quickly. Since the senate is made up of fewer individuals, they form a strong team that is able to make and reach decisions quickly. This is well stated by James Madison in the Publius no. 63,   where it states that the senates’ small number makes it more stable and because of this, they are in a better position to form strong and lasting relations with foreign countries. moreover, he says that because the senators serve a longer period, this ensures that they will be held accountable for actions as well as policies   they have formulated. By being aware of this fact, they are always cautious of what they do. â€Å"The representatives on the other hand serve a smaller term therefore they will not be as keen as the senators after all they will not be around to be held responsible (Grossman 70).† This is further enhanced in the federalist no. 53 which states that the people who are chosen should be governed that are given to the House are not enough because during that period they have just known how the office works therefore their knowledge on foreign affairs is limited. The functions of the House of Representatives are mostly legislative purposes. â€Å"This is because their numbers enable them to pass ordinary legislation, override vetoes and make amendments (Wescott 127).† This is much more than what the senate can do. In the Federalist no. 66, Hamilton says that there is likelihood that the senators can act corrupt more so because they will side with the president or influenced by the public to make invalid decisions. For this reason, he does not see why they should be allowed to pass judgments. Though they are restricted to serving these purposes mostly, they can contribute in the impeachment of legislators. Senators are also engaged in the legislative matters but will also try those political offenses that the house has agreed on. On top of this, it acts as an executive council to the state. When the president wants to engage in treaties with other countries, the Senate has to agree on it before it is signed. This is quoted in the federalist no. 64 as it is said that, â€Å"the Senates advice is valuable and necessary.† Moreover if he appoints people to the high offices; the senate has to agree on the same issue. These powers of engaging in international treaties are not found within the House. The similarities are that there gender equality is observed in both chambers as men and women are elected. The role of both the Senate and the house is to ensure that proper laws are passed and that they are adjusted regularly so that they can fit with the changing times. Another similarity between the House and the Senate is that they both ensure that the system of election is just and according to the constitution. This therefore shows an example with which the national elections are conducted such that all individuals are treated fairly. â€Å"This is seen in Federalist 78 where constitution morality with regard to the proper use of the judicial system so as to enhance trust in the judicial system is enhanced (Wescott 144).† The House carries the banner for the whole constitution as the representatives are elected in a just manner and they represent the populations. This is because the voters in such electors are the same ones who elect state legislators as found in the Federalist no, 52.   These elections are administered by the states and are done in proper organized manner. For this reason, the system is fair and shows that the federal state elections need to be conducted in such an orderly manner. The same applies to the senate because only the competent individuals with prior experience in state matters are chosen. â€Å"Madison in the Federalist no. 62 says that the Senate is structured so that it can overcome the various organizational structures that face government institutions thus enhancing its stability (Millican 171).† Both the senate and the House of Representatives have the power to make pass policies that will impact different sectors of the economy with regards to what they feel is right for the people. This is because before a bill becomes law, it has to be approved by majority of the senate and the House of Representatives. To ensure that they do their work well, the Senate and the House engage in frequent meetings where they discuss issues that face the country and what needs to be done, share ideas, debate over issues as this aids in making strategic decisions and voting on bills. By doing this, they are fulfilling their constitutional rights to the people. Conclusion Though the Senate presence is considered to be more superior to the House of Representatives, they both play an important part in congress as they work in unison with other arms of government to ensure that the country is propelled in the right direction. The Federalist papers therefore ensure that there is balance within the system especially in the distribution of power so as to ensure that laws are passed in proper ways without bias. Works Cited Grofman, Bernard Wittman Donald. The Federalist Papers and the new institutionalism Algora Publishing, 1989 Grossman Jay. Reconstituting the American renaissance: Emerson, Whitman, and the politics of representation. Duke University Press, 2003 p.70 Millican Edward. One united people: the Federalist papers and the national idea. University Press of Kentucky, 1990 p. 171 Patrick John J. Founding the Republic: a documentary history. Greenwood Publishing Group, 1995 p. 225 Wescott C. George. The Federalist: design for a constitutional republic. University of Illinois Press, 1994

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essays --

Como ya se sabe la vida de un ser humano depende mucho en lo que la salud le brinde en su vida diaria. Para muchos de los seres humanos en el mundo, el no cuidarse les provoca enfermedades, las cuales producen que el ser sea parte de una vida la cual no sea protegida y sin ayuda mà ©dica. Con eso la exposicià ³n a la vida que se vive afuera expone al ser humano a situaciones severas y a veces causa una ayuda mà ¡s para ellos. En Mà ©xico como se sabe, el derecho a la salud es de una de las tantas principales bases para que el ser humano viva en el lugar correcto con una buena salud y con el bienestar que es necesario en su vida. La salud es el motor principal para que el humano sepa por donde su vida se pone en riesgo y por donde se puede pasar sin ningà ºn problema. Tambià ©n el ser humano es el cuerpo que en la ciencia forma parte por lo que la salud existe y mà ¡s teniendo a la piel expuesta a las bacterias y otras cosas que puedan afectar a la vida diaria de cada ser. Por el momento en Mà ©xico la salud es parte de la vida y pues con el derecho puesto en cada ser humano el producto resulta una ayuda mà ¡s para la poblacià ³n que la necesita. Con la promocià ³n del derecho de la salud en Mà ©xico se a puesto a prueba el uso de este para que los individuos se den cuenta la importancia y la necesidad que es tenerla. Teniendo el punto de vista de otro paà ­s, India, me a puesto otra perspectiva con la el significado que se toma en Mà ©xico de la salud. El contraste es masivo y pues la vida se puede poner en riesgo en los dos paà ­ses pero la salud se ve de otro modos en cada uno de estos paà ­ses. La India se mete en un lugar en donde las situaciones de su salud son normalmente provocadas por la escasez de higiene que existe en el paà ­s. Con esto se està ¡n provoca... el Programa Nacional de Salud, poniendo nuevos objetivos. Primero se querà ­a poner mas refuerzos interinstitucionales para el desarrollo de programas conjuntos e incrementar la cobertura y poner la oportunidad de los servicios de la salud mas gente de la poblacià ³n. Con todo esto, el gobierno mexicano esperaba elevar el à ­ndice de vida, reducir las tasas de mortalidad en todos sus tipos y mejorar la salud del paà ­s poniendo a la infraestructura primero que nada. Todo el tiempo se siguià ³ este esfuerzo y pues el sexenio que siguià ³ de Ernesto Zedillo, fue parte de esto tambià ©n. Durante el siglo XX, los gobiernos presentes en estas dos ultimas dà ©cadas el de De la Madrid, Salinas de Gortari y Ernesto Zedillo, trataron de meter unas series de medidas y programas para poder fortalecer y modificar el tema de la salud en el paà ­s y para poder ofrecerle mayores oportunidades

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hotel Rwanda †The Rwandan Genocide Essay

Hotel Rwanda is a film about the genocide that transpired within the premises of the city of Kigali, the heart of Rwanda during the year 1994. This evil act lasted for 100 days killing thousands of innocent lives of Rwandan men, women and children. But in the film, it did not focus on the genocide. Instead, it shed a light on the heroic and courageous deed of one ordinary man in an effort to save the lives of some of his countrymen. In the movie, almost all of the aspects of the genocide were tackled including the powerlessness of the United Nations to put a stop to the violent killings perpetrated by the Rwandan government and the Hutu rebels against the Tutsis. This was very much evident when the character of Dan Cheadle was promised by the UN Colonel that he, his family and all the refugees at the Milles Collines will be rescued. But when the colonel had a talk with another UN officer, the plan seemed to have changed. The colonel explained that only foreign nationals were allowed to leave Rwanda. Only a small number of troops were instructed to uphold peacekeeping and not peacemaking meaning they were not allowed to shoot at anyone even if they commit violent actions. More so, the minimal involvement of the international organizations and their eventual negligence over the escalating killings in Rwanda played a pivotal role in the increased deaths of thousands of people. Instead of helping the Tutsis to take refuge to a safer place in neighboring countries, these organizations decided not to get involve because of the misconception that nothing can restore the peace and order in an anarchic setting. Moreover in the movie, a Red Cross worker drew some attention because of how she showed her bravery by setting aside her fears and her own welfare just to save a few people from being mercilessly killed by the Hutus. Some aid workers decided to stay in order to help while others chose to flee in order to protect their welfare. Overall, the movie generated an accurate depiction of the Rwandan genocide. However, some controversial issues were downplayed like the role of the French in the uprising and arming of the Hutu rebels. After the genocide, some reports have surfaced that implicated a few French politicians and the French military with this tragic incident. According to the results of the findings of an â€Å"Independent Rwandan Commission,† the French government was â€Å"aware of preparations for the genocide and helped train the ethnic Hutu militia perpetrators. The report included that France provided the Hutus with â€Å"political, military, diplomatic and logistical support. † For almost 2 years, the commission had gathered data and interviewed several survivors. All the information that had been obtained, served as testimonies to the participation of the French government in the killing of almost 800,000 civilians in the span of 100 days (BBC, 2008). But the French vehemently refu ted the accusations. In their defense, they stated that the allegations were biased because the commission has only one thing in mind and that is to prove that the French are guilty. The â€Å"French Foreign Ministry said â€Å"there is no surprise in the conclusions of the commission given its mission† (CNN, 2008). Aside from this, the film also failed to include the admission of the United Nations of its failure to prevent the genocide. But for the UN, this became a learning experience. They realized that people should not be neglected specifically in times of dire need when lives are at stake (BBC, 2000). Given this new angle in the Rwandan genocide, it should have been also portrayed in the movie. This would have given viewers more accurate representation of what really happened in Rwanda in April 1994. Also, this would have been a chance for the whole world to determine who the real culprits were in one of the worst humanitarian crisis of the 20th century. More so, these events could have provided a comprehensive outlook on how humans are capable of doing horrendous and brutal acts just to have power and control.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Organizational Commitment and Communication

The American Red Cross is an organization that helps prevent human suffering during events that leads the human society while in emergency crisis. The American Red Cross has the ability to mobilize the power of volunteers as well as the generosity of donors. The reader will be given a brief description on how different leadership styles affects the group communication within the American Red Cross. The reader will also be given an analysis of the different sources of power found in the organization and how will these affect the organization communication. It is imperative that the reader also understands how the American Red Cross identifies the motivational theories that will be most effective in different cultures. Finally, a description of the commitment of the workforce to the organization and their relationship to the organizations communication will be provided. Leadership Styles and Effects At the American Red Cross there are several leadership styles that are being used. â€Å"Leader's establish direction by developing a vision of the future; then they align people by communicating this vision and inspiring them to overcome hurdles† (Robbins & Judge, 2011. Some of the main leadership styles that affects the American Red Cross are the transactional, charismatic, and transformational. The transformational leadership is the most common style for The American Red Cross. â€Å"Transformational leaders inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organization and are capable of having a profoun d and extraordinary effect on their followers† (Robbins & Judge, 2011. ) Transformational leaders tend to have more passion in everything that they do. The first step as a leader is to have a mission and a vision. Transformational leaders motivate the performance of the followers as well as understanding their strengths and weaknesses so that the leader may align the followers with tasks that will boost their performance. It is important to be a role model to the followers as this action will inspire them and make them more interested while challenging them to take a greater ownership for their work. A charismatic leader will ensure to pay attention to every person making that person feel important. At this time they are scanning the individuals to pick up their moods and their concerns. At this time the charismatic leader will be able to improve their actions and words to suit the situation. Finally, the transactional leadership plays the role in The American Red Cross as the supervisor of the organization. Every organization has to have a chain of command as well as motivation through rewards and punishments. The transactional leader is the leader that holds the followers to rules, procedures, and standards. Sources of Power There are different types of power within The American Red Cross organization. Power is seen as the ability to implementing control over an individual or a group. While everyone has power, each individual possess and utilize power in a way that it will benefit their organization’s needs. Coercive power is the power that is able to punish those who do not follow orders as requested by the leader. On the other hand using coercive power may also be used to influence the decision of that is being made by taking something away as a punishment if he or she does not follow a request that has been made. The American Red Cross uses the coercive power to ensure that their followers follow their rules and guidelines that they have in place. Expert power is the power that shows the person’s knowledge or specialized skills. Individuals will gain more power by showing a greater knowledge of the task that will be performed. The expertise power is a power that should be taken care of to make sure that the leader maintains its credibility. Also it is important to avoid any threatening of the self-esteem of subordinates to ensure any dislikes from team members against the leader creating unhappy team members. Legitimate power is the power that the leader will have when the employees believe that any orders coming from the leader is because of the leader’s position within the organization and they should be followed as requested. This power is developed through time. Communication in Relation to Motivational Theory At the American Red Cross, there are two types of motivational theories which are applied to the organization. The motivational theories are the expectancy theory and the cognitive evaluation theory. The expectancy is the proposal to a person to behave in a certain way by persuading them to select a specific behavior over others to ensure the expected results. On the other hand cognitive evaluation theory is a theory that is designed to clarify the effects of consequences. These are ways that are used to persuade individuals through awards to control desirable behavior. Workforce Commitment The American Red Cross and commitment goes hand in hand. As commitment to the individuals that they help is one of the most powerful ways that they can use to motivate the volunteer helpers to accomplish their tasks and reach the designated goal. It is imperative to at least give a pat on the back to let the individuals know that they are doing a good job and motivating them to continue to work. Being positive and providing the employees or volunteers with positive feedback can help the organization go along ways? As the mission statement of the American Red Cross states, â€Å"The American Red Cross empowers ordinary people to perform extraordinary acts of service. † (American National Red Cross, 2013) The American Red Cross has been a successful organization that will use the power of volunteers to help those that are in need. The transactional, charismatic, and transformational leadership’s styles have an effect on the group communication of the American Red Cross. The leadership styles and the sources of power work hand in hand to ensure that the organization is meeting all of their goals as well as ensuring that the volunteers are on tasks and in a good working environment. The motivational theories are just a way to ensure that the volunteers and employees are committed to the workforce. The American Red Cross is a well-established organization and as long as they follow all of the above this organization will continue to be very successful in anything that they set their minds to do.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Golden Toad - Facts and Figures

Golden Toad - Facts and Figures Name: Golden Toad; also known as Bufo periglenes Habitat: Tropical forests of Costa Rica Historical Epoch: Pleistocene-Modern (2 million-20 years ago) Size and Weight: About 2-3 inches long and one ounce Diet: Insects Distinguishing Characteristics: Bright orange males; larger, less colorful females About the Golden Toad Last seen in 1989and presumed to be extinct, unless some individuals are miraculously discovered elsewhere in Costa Ricathe Golden Toad has become the poster genus for the mysterious worldwide decline in amphibian populations. The Golden Toad was discovered in 1964, by a naturalist visiting a high-altitude Costa Rican cloud forest; the bright orange, almost unnatural color of the males made an immediate impression, although the slightly larger females were much less ornate. For the next 25 years, the Golden Toad could only be observed during the spring mating season, when large groups of males would swarm over less numerous females in small ponds and puddles. (See a slideshow of 10 Recently Extinct Amphibians.) The extinction of the Golden Toad was sudden and mysterious. As recently as 1987, over a thousand adults were observed mating, then only a single individual in 1988 and 1989 and none thereafter. There are two possible explanations for the demise of the Golden Toad: first, since this amphibian relied on very specialized breeding conditions, the population could have been knocked for a loop by sudden changes in climate (even two years of unusual weather would have been enough to wipe out such an isolated species). And second, its possible that the Golden Toad succumbed to the same fungal infection that has been implicated in other amphibian extinctions around the world.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Air Pollution in the Los Angeles Basin Essay Example

Air Pollution in the Los Angeles Basin Essay Example Air Pollution in the Los Angeles Basin Paper Air Pollution in the Los Angeles Basin Paper 2010). In addition, acid rain will accelerate the decay of building materials and paints, including irreplaceable buildings, statues, and sculptures that are part of LASS cultural heritage. On a larger scale, changes in atmosphere composition are contributing to ozone depletion and global climate change. Ozone in the stratosphere protects us from dangerous LIVE radiation, but ozone close to the Earth is toxic to both animals and plants (Apollonian, Hugh, Chorea, camp; Seek-Woo, 201 1). People exposed to ozone develop respiratory symptoms resulting in lose of some lung function. As air levels worsen, ozone will become more abundant in the air we breathe. It is shown that areas of ozone depletion are now roughly two to three times larger than past measurements (Apollonian et al. , 201 1). Holes in the ozone layer will continue to expand with the buildup of air pollutants and will ultimately trigger an increase in global climate change. Los Angles has one of the worst reputations for air pollution, but how does it compare to other cities in the Unites States? There is a prominent correlation between highly populated areas and high air pollution levels. During the late sasss and early 1 asss, immigration in America was extremely high. Immigrants came looking for cheap housing and a job. Most found work in highly industrious areas like New York City, Chicago, and Los Angles. With an abundance Of cheap labor, industries grew and multiplied populating the cities where they were located. Today, unsurprisingly, the cities with the highest populations have the most concerning problems of air pollution. The most populated cities, in ascending order, are New York City, Los Angles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, and Philadelphia (Most Populated Cities in US, 2011). However, LA has the most serious ozone problem in the united States (Los Angles; Traffic and Smog, 1994). Many would assume New York City to have the worst air pollution levels, but the colder climate and northern geographic location help to clear out smog and rid the area of lingering pollutants. Although cities like Chicago and Houston have a higher level of anthropogenic sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions, researchers conclude the high level of ozone makes LA the city with the worst overall air pollution report in the USA (Quo-Jean teal. , 2010). If LA has the worst air pollution in the USA, how does it compare to other cities around the world? Same as in the US, cities with the highest populations tend to have Geiger levels of chemicals and greenhouse gases in the air. Chow (2004) uses the term megabits as a classification for cities with extremely large populations and correspondingly high pollution levels. LA is classified as a megabits but is ranked twelfth after cities like Tokyo, Mexico City, Iambi, and Shanghai. The article Los Angles; Traffic and Smog (1994) declares Mexico City to be the only city with higher ozone levels than LA. Also, urban European cities experience a greater number of problems with nitrogen oxide, which intensify as you move south. Athens is a main concern in this area (Pearson, 2001). After completion of full air pollution reports, LAs air composition is better than that of eight other megabits. Delhi, India comes in first followed by Kola, India and Jakarta, Indonesia (Chow, 2004). Although many interest groups and people are concerned with the air pollution in LA, the plethora of challenges for improving air quality makes it difficult to take effective action. As made evident in cities around the world, the common factor for places with high pollution is high population. This cites a major challenge for reducing air pollution since LAs population continues to expand. LA has experienced an eleven percent increase in population since 1990 and a five percent increase since 2000 (Los Angles Population Growth Statistics, 2012). If this pattern persists, decreasing the population in LA will not be an adequate solution to fix air quality. Another challenge for reducing air pollution in LA is the lack of public transportation made available to citizens. Los Angles developed with almost no public transportation network. Consequently, the residents must rely on personal motor vehicles for almost all transportation (Los Angles; Traffic and Smog, 1994). The unman to vehicle ratio is over one to one, which is extremely high compared to other places. A majority of chemicals in the LA air are released from motor vehicles as a result. Little usage of public transportation is a key reason why LAs air pollution is worse than other cities with a similar population. The creation Of a new, efficient public transportation network would reduce the need for personal motor vehicles and therefore decrease air pollution. In order to effectively improve air quality, government action would be needed. There have been past attempts to by both national and local governments to jugulate this crisis. The formation of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAMMED) in the early sasss sought to create air pollution controls. After developing a consistent set of regulations for the four-county area, SCAMMED adopted several significant emission-reductions measures, including rules to control man-made dust and reduce nitrogen oxides from power plants by 90% (Fiftieth Anniversary of Smog War, 1997). SCAMMED now monitors air quality at thirty-seven stations distributed throughout the basin (Chow, 2004). The Clean Air Act of 1990 is another government attempt to reduce air elution. The emission controls of the three-tier plan represent the most severe air quality management requirements ever proposed for any city (Los Angles; Traffic and Smog, 1994). The law encourages the use of market- based principles and other innovative approaches, and provides a framework from which alternative clean fuels will be used. The law promotes the use of clean low sulfur coal and natural gas. In addition, an acid rain program that gives utilities flexibility to obtain needed emission reductions Was created to encourage customers to conserve energy (Clean Air Act Amendment, 1990). Overall, the law has caused a decline in ambient concentrations of particulate matter. However, many question its effectiveness since there have been only minimal changes in LAs air composition after twenty years of its implementation. With stronger enforcement of The Clean Air Act of 1 990 and efforts by the SCAMMED, the LA Basin will have a cleaner and clearer future. Development of renewable energy sources and cleaner technology will also contribute to a promising future for LA air quality. Over the past decade or so, tech oenology for the utilization of renewable resources has been materialized and put to use around the world. Southern California alone has dozens of projects in production (Renewable Energy, 2009). The landscape and location of Southern California create an ideal environment for solar and wind farms. Nearby deserts provide flat land and high-intensity sunrays perfect for solar panel technology, while coastal winds can be captured and converted to energy by wind turbines. The growing popularity of hybrid and low-emission vehicles will also help to reduce chemicals in the atmosphere. Recent productions of different hybrid and low-emission vehicle models, like the Ionians Leaf or Chevy Volt, are making these types of vehicles more angle and appealing to the public. Also, the SCAMMED is co-sharing the project cost with a number of industries to develop a way to use H2O instead of gasoline, as well as compare different fueling strategies and H2O production methods (Chow, 2004). With the use of renewable the SCAMMED intends to advance the technology, improve competition, gain experience, and, therefore, reduce the costs to accelerate centralization (Chow, 2004). These exciting advancements in the technology and use of renewable resources provide an approach to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and lessen the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the air. Along with the use of modern technologies, passage of stricter legislation concerning emissions into the environment will help boost the air quality in LA. Economic instruments such as emission taxes and emission trading Will utilize the power of the market to encourage use of cleaner technology and fuels (Quo-Jean et al. , 2010). A market-based system will produce methods to reduce greenhouse emissions through use of the polluter pays concept (Chow, 2004). Constructing legislation of this kind will force citizens and corporations to cooperate and contribute in the effort to revivalist the atmosphere of the LA Basin. Los Angles plays host to millions of tourist year round coming to visit famous LA attractions, get a taste of Hollywood glamour, or to see the beauty of California. Travelers can find these experiences, however, few anticipate the reality of extremely poor air quality conditions. When in fact, LA has the worst air pollution reports of any city in the country. If citizens cooperate with government policies and reduce dependence on fossil fuels, levels of greenhouse gas emissions in the Los Angles Basin will diminish overtime.