Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Biography of Kathleen Kenyon, the Renowned Biblical Archaeologist Research Paper

A Biography of Kathleen Kenyon, the Renowned Biblical Archaeologist - Research Paper Example In a recent, somewhat quirky biography, she is described as â€Å"a modest woman who had confidence in her own judgement, a kind woman who did not suffer fools easily, and a pioneer in her discipline who many found insufficiently ‘academic’. She was known for her love of dogs, pink gin, and digging.†1 Kathleen Kenyon was certainly unconventional by the standards of her Edwardian youth, and it is this determination to step aside from the restrictions of convention in her work as much as in her private life which made her such a significant contributor to the field of biblical archaeology. Birth, Education, and Youth It seems that from the moment of her birth, Kathleen Kenyon was destined to follow a career in the field of biblical archaeology. She was born on the 5th of January, 1906, as the eldest daughter of the eminent but rather shy biblical scholar, Sir Frederic Kenyon. The family was an ancient one, with lands in Shropshire; the Greek and Latin scholar Freder ic and his wife had a family home in Harrow-on- the-Hill near London.2 This was an academic household with many books and an expectation that all members of the family would take an interest in things to do with history and the Christian faith. Kathleen’s father went on to take up a post of a director of the British Museum in London, giving the family a connection with all the greatest treasures in British archaeological history. The young Kathleen and her younger sister, Nora, had a conventional upper class childhood with governesses coming to teach them at home at first, followed by attendance at exclusive girls’ schools: first a provincial one during the war, and then the highly academic Saint Paul’s Girls’ School where Greek and Latin were taught to prepare the students for entry into Oxford and Cambridge Universities.3 This was in many ways a charmed early life, so that, despite the events of the First World War, Kathleen Kenyon enjoyed an idyllic ch ildhood and access to some of the best education that money could buy. The moral and religious values of this family along with a tendency towards studious activities remained with Kathleen as she grew into adulthood, and she was a churchgoer throughout her later life. The schooling that Kathleen received and her own hard work at her studies ensured that she was accepted at Somerville College Oxford to study history. This was, as was typical at that time, a segregated institution which looked after the lodgings and welfare of its all-female student population, although students also attended mixed lectures across the whole of the university. The value of such a high status family upbringing was to prove critical in other ways also, because the young Kathleen came to know various eminent scholars and researchers through family connections. This key advantage led to her first experience of actual fieldwork, because she used these connections to get to know expedition leaders and acqui re junior positions on their trips. Excavations In her early twenties, Kathleen participated in an archaeological excavation in what was then Rhodesia (today’s Zimbabwe), and then became part of a team led by the renowned British archaeologists couple, Mortimer and Tessa Wheeler, which was excavating ancient Roman remains at St. Albans in the South of England. The man, Mortimer Wheeler, taught her his methods and became a mentor for her, guiding her to take up the latest scientific methods. This activity was broken off by the advent of the Second World War, in which Kathleen performed the duties as an administrator of the London Institute of Archaeology affiliated to the University of London; she also participated in volunteer activities with the Red Cross

Monday, October 28, 2019

Federalist papers-The House of Representatives and the Senate Essay Example for Free

Federalist papers-The House of Representatives and the Senate Essay The United States congress which is also the legislature one of the three arms of government is divided into two chambers; the House of Representatives ‘house’ and the Senate. They both serve a vital role in ensuring that the proper policies and laws that represent the citizen’s views are passed. The House of Representatives is made up of representatives from all the states. The Senate being the upper house is made up of individuals two from every state who are chosen by not looking at the populations in the states. Thus ensuring equal representation. They have the powers of consenting treaties, appointing federal officials for instance judges, secretaries in the cabinet and even the senior military personnel. The Publius writings are the name under which the Federalist papers were referred to back in the day when they were being formulated. These papers aid in highlighting the functions of the House and Senate in relation to how they were formed, the principles that govern how the members are elected, how they work and how their role plays an important part in the formulation of policies. There are several differences and similarities between these two chambers. The differences include that the senate is headed by the sitting Vice President who will vote in case there is a tie. The House of Representative is headed by the speaker who is elected by the members. â€Å"The senate is made up of 100 senators while the house has about 435 representatives and the number is determined by the populations they represent. In addition, the senators serve six year terms while the representatives serve 2 years (Patrick 225).† Though having many people means that the citizens’ views are well represented, these large numbers are said to inhibit them reaching a solution quickly. Since the senate is made up of fewer individuals, they form a strong team that is able to make and reach decisions quickly. This is well stated by James Madison in the Publius no. 63,   where it states that the senates’ small number makes it more stable and because of this, they are in a better position to form strong and lasting relations with foreign countries. moreover, he says that because the senators serve a longer period, this ensures that they will be held accountable for actions as well as policies   they have formulated. By being aware of this fact, they are always cautious of what they do. â€Å"The representatives on the other hand serve a smaller term therefore they will not be as keen as the senators after all they will not be around to be held responsible (Grossman 70).† This is further enhanced in the federalist no. 53 which states that the people who are chosen should be governed that are given to the House are not enough because during that period they have just known how the office works therefore their knowledge on foreign affairs is limited. The functions of the House of Representatives are mostly legislative purposes. â€Å"This is because their numbers enable them to pass ordinary legislation, override vetoes and make amendments (Wescott 127).† This is much more than what the senate can do. In the Federalist no. 66, Hamilton says that there is likelihood that the senators can act corrupt more so because they will side with the president or influenced by the public to make invalid decisions. For this reason, he does not see why they should be allowed to pass judgments. Though they are restricted to serving these purposes mostly, they can contribute in the impeachment of legislators. Senators are also engaged in the legislative matters but will also try those political offenses that the house has agreed on. On top of this, it acts as an executive council to the state. When the president wants to engage in treaties with other countries, the Senate has to agree on it before it is signed. This is quoted in the federalist no. 64 as it is said that, â€Å"the Senates advice is valuable and necessary.† Moreover if he appoints people to the high offices; the senate has to agree on the same issue. These powers of engaging in international treaties are not found within the House. The similarities are that there gender equality is observed in both chambers as men and women are elected. The role of both the Senate and the house is to ensure that proper laws are passed and that they are adjusted regularly so that they can fit with the changing times. Another similarity between the House and the Senate is that they both ensure that the system of election is just and according to the constitution. This therefore shows an example with which the national elections are conducted such that all individuals are treated fairly. â€Å"This is seen in Federalist 78 where constitution morality with regard to the proper use of the judicial system so as to enhance trust in the judicial system is enhanced (Wescott 144).† The House carries the banner for the whole constitution as the representatives are elected in a just manner and they represent the populations. This is because the voters in such electors are the same ones who elect state legislators as found in the Federalist no, 52.   These elections are administered by the states and are done in proper organized manner. For this reason, the system is fair and shows that the federal state elections need to be conducted in such an orderly manner. The same applies to the senate because only the competent individuals with prior experience in state matters are chosen. â€Å"Madison in the Federalist no. 62 says that the Senate is structured so that it can overcome the various organizational structures that face government institutions thus enhancing its stability (Millican 171).† Both the senate and the House of Representatives have the power to make pass policies that will impact different sectors of the economy with regards to what they feel is right for the people. This is because before a bill becomes law, it has to be approved by majority of the senate and the House of Representatives. To ensure that they do their work well, the Senate and the House engage in frequent meetings where they discuss issues that face the country and what needs to be done, share ideas, debate over issues as this aids in making strategic decisions and voting on bills. By doing this, they are fulfilling their constitutional rights to the people. Conclusion Though the Senate presence is considered to be more superior to the House of Representatives, they both play an important part in congress as they work in unison with other arms of government to ensure that the country is propelled in the right direction. The Federalist papers therefore ensure that there is balance within the system especially in the distribution of power so as to ensure that laws are passed in proper ways without bias. Works Cited Grofman, Bernard Wittman Donald. The Federalist Papers and the new institutionalism Algora Publishing, 1989 Grossman Jay. Reconstituting the American renaissance: Emerson, Whitman, and the politics of representation. Duke University Press, 2003 p.70 Millican Edward. One united people: the Federalist papers and the national idea. University Press of Kentucky, 1990 p. 171 Patrick John J. Founding the Republic: a documentary history. Greenwood Publishing Group, 1995 p. 225 Wescott C. George. The Federalist: design for a constitutional republic. University of Illinois Press, 1994

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essays --

Como ya se sabe la vida de un ser humano depende mucho en lo que la salud le brinde en su vida diaria. Para muchos de los seres humanos en el mundo, el no cuidarse les provoca enfermedades, las cuales producen que el ser sea parte de una vida la cual no sea protegida y sin ayuda mà ©dica. Con eso la exposicià ³n a la vida que se vive afuera expone al ser humano a situaciones severas y a veces causa una ayuda mà ¡s para ellos. En Mà ©xico como se sabe, el derecho a la salud es de una de las tantas principales bases para que el ser humano viva en el lugar correcto con una buena salud y con el bienestar que es necesario en su vida. La salud es el motor principal para que el humano sepa por donde su vida se pone en riesgo y por donde se puede pasar sin ningà ºn problema. Tambià ©n el ser humano es el cuerpo que en la ciencia forma parte por lo que la salud existe y mà ¡s teniendo a la piel expuesta a las bacterias y otras cosas que puedan afectar a la vida diaria de cada ser. Por el momento en Mà ©xico la salud es parte de la vida y pues con el derecho puesto en cada ser humano el producto resulta una ayuda mà ¡s para la poblacià ³n que la necesita. Con la promocià ³n del derecho de la salud en Mà ©xico se a puesto a prueba el uso de este para que los individuos se den cuenta la importancia y la necesidad que es tenerla. Teniendo el punto de vista de otro paà ­s, India, me a puesto otra perspectiva con la el significado que se toma en Mà ©xico de la salud. El contraste es masivo y pues la vida se puede poner en riesgo en los dos paà ­ses pero la salud se ve de otro modos en cada uno de estos paà ­ses. La India se mete en un lugar en donde las situaciones de su salud son normalmente provocadas por la escasez de higiene que existe en el paà ­s. Con esto se està ¡n provoca... el Programa Nacional de Salud, poniendo nuevos objetivos. Primero se querà ­a poner mas refuerzos interinstitucionales para el desarrollo de programas conjuntos e incrementar la cobertura y poner la oportunidad de los servicios de la salud mas gente de la poblacià ³n. Con todo esto, el gobierno mexicano esperaba elevar el à ­ndice de vida, reducir las tasas de mortalidad en todos sus tipos y mejorar la salud del paà ­s poniendo a la infraestructura primero que nada. Todo el tiempo se siguià ³ este esfuerzo y pues el sexenio que siguià ³ de Ernesto Zedillo, fue parte de esto tambià ©n. Durante el siglo XX, los gobiernos presentes en estas dos ultimas dà ©cadas el de De la Madrid, Salinas de Gortari y Ernesto Zedillo, trataron de meter unas series de medidas y programas para poder fortalecer y modificar el tema de la salud en el paà ­s y para poder ofrecerle mayores oportunidades

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hotel Rwanda †The Rwandan Genocide Essay

Hotel Rwanda is a film about the genocide that transpired within the premises of the city of Kigali, the heart of Rwanda during the year 1994. This evil act lasted for 100 days killing thousands of innocent lives of Rwandan men, women and children. But in the film, it did not focus on the genocide. Instead, it shed a light on the heroic and courageous deed of one ordinary man in an effort to save the lives of some of his countrymen. In the movie, almost all of the aspects of the genocide were tackled including the powerlessness of the United Nations to put a stop to the violent killings perpetrated by the Rwandan government and the Hutu rebels against the Tutsis. This was very much evident when the character of Dan Cheadle was promised by the UN Colonel that he, his family and all the refugees at the Milles Collines will be rescued. But when the colonel had a talk with another UN officer, the plan seemed to have changed. The colonel explained that only foreign nationals were allowed to leave Rwanda. Only a small number of troops were instructed to uphold peacekeeping and not peacemaking meaning they were not allowed to shoot at anyone even if they commit violent actions. More so, the minimal involvement of the international organizations and their eventual negligence over the escalating killings in Rwanda played a pivotal role in the increased deaths of thousands of people. Instead of helping the Tutsis to take refuge to a safer place in neighboring countries, these organizations decided not to get involve because of the misconception that nothing can restore the peace and order in an anarchic setting. Moreover in the movie, a Red Cross worker drew some attention because of how she showed her bravery by setting aside her fears and her own welfare just to save a few people from being mercilessly killed by the Hutus. Some aid workers decided to stay in order to help while others chose to flee in order to protect their welfare. Overall, the movie generated an accurate depiction of the Rwandan genocide. However, some controversial issues were downplayed like the role of the French in the uprising and arming of the Hutu rebels. After the genocide, some reports have surfaced that implicated a few French politicians and the French military with this tragic incident. According to the results of the findings of an â€Å"Independent Rwandan Commission,† the French government was â€Å"aware of preparations for the genocide and helped train the ethnic Hutu militia perpetrators. The report included that France provided the Hutus with â€Å"political, military, diplomatic and logistical support. † For almost 2 years, the commission had gathered data and interviewed several survivors. All the information that had been obtained, served as testimonies to the participation of the French government in the killing of almost 800,000 civilians in the span of 100 days (BBC, 2008). But the French vehemently refu ted the accusations. In their defense, they stated that the allegations were biased because the commission has only one thing in mind and that is to prove that the French are guilty. The â€Å"French Foreign Ministry said â€Å"there is no surprise in the conclusions of the commission given its mission† (CNN, 2008). Aside from this, the film also failed to include the admission of the United Nations of its failure to prevent the genocide. But for the UN, this became a learning experience. They realized that people should not be neglected specifically in times of dire need when lives are at stake (BBC, 2000). Given this new angle in the Rwandan genocide, it should have been also portrayed in the movie. This would have given viewers more accurate representation of what really happened in Rwanda in April 1994. Also, this would have been a chance for the whole world to determine who the real culprits were in one of the worst humanitarian crisis of the 20th century. More so, these events could have provided a comprehensive outlook on how humans are capable of doing horrendous and brutal acts just to have power and control.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Organizational Commitment and Communication

The American Red Cross is an organization that helps prevent human suffering during events that leads the human society while in emergency crisis. The American Red Cross has the ability to mobilize the power of volunteers as well as the generosity of donors. The reader will be given a brief description on how different leadership styles affects the group communication within the American Red Cross. The reader will also be given an analysis of the different sources of power found in the organization and how will these affect the organization communication. It is imperative that the reader also understands how the American Red Cross identifies the motivational theories that will be most effective in different cultures. Finally, a description of the commitment of the workforce to the organization and their relationship to the organizations communication will be provided. Leadership Styles and Effects At the American Red Cross there are several leadership styles that are being used. â€Å"Leader's establish direction by developing a vision of the future; then they align people by communicating this vision and inspiring them to overcome hurdles† (Robbins & Judge, 2011. Some of the main leadership styles that affects the American Red Cross are the transactional, charismatic, and transformational. The transformational leadership is the most common style for The American Red Cross. â€Å"Transformational leaders inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organization and are capable of having a profoun d and extraordinary effect on their followers† (Robbins & Judge, 2011. ) Transformational leaders tend to have more passion in everything that they do. The first step as a leader is to have a mission and a vision. Transformational leaders motivate the performance of the followers as well as understanding their strengths and weaknesses so that the leader may align the followers with tasks that will boost their performance. It is important to be a role model to the followers as this action will inspire them and make them more interested while challenging them to take a greater ownership for their work. A charismatic leader will ensure to pay attention to every person making that person feel important. At this time they are scanning the individuals to pick up their moods and their concerns. At this time the charismatic leader will be able to improve their actions and words to suit the situation. Finally, the transactional leadership plays the role in The American Red Cross as the supervisor of the organization. Every organization has to have a chain of command as well as motivation through rewards and punishments. The transactional leader is the leader that holds the followers to rules, procedures, and standards. Sources of Power There are different types of power within The American Red Cross organization. Power is seen as the ability to implementing control over an individual or a group. While everyone has power, each individual possess and utilize power in a way that it will benefit their organization’s needs. Coercive power is the power that is able to punish those who do not follow orders as requested by the leader. On the other hand using coercive power may also be used to influence the decision of that is being made by taking something away as a punishment if he or she does not follow a request that has been made. The American Red Cross uses the coercive power to ensure that their followers follow their rules and guidelines that they have in place. Expert power is the power that shows the person’s knowledge or specialized skills. Individuals will gain more power by showing a greater knowledge of the task that will be performed. The expertise power is a power that should be taken care of to make sure that the leader maintains its credibility. Also it is important to avoid any threatening of the self-esteem of subordinates to ensure any dislikes from team members against the leader creating unhappy team members. Legitimate power is the power that the leader will have when the employees believe that any orders coming from the leader is because of the leader’s position within the organization and they should be followed as requested. This power is developed through time. Communication in Relation to Motivational Theory At the American Red Cross, there are two types of motivational theories which are applied to the organization. The motivational theories are the expectancy theory and the cognitive evaluation theory. The expectancy is the proposal to a person to behave in a certain way by persuading them to select a specific behavior over others to ensure the expected results. On the other hand cognitive evaluation theory is a theory that is designed to clarify the effects of consequences. These are ways that are used to persuade individuals through awards to control desirable behavior. Workforce Commitment The American Red Cross and commitment goes hand in hand. As commitment to the individuals that they help is one of the most powerful ways that they can use to motivate the volunteer helpers to accomplish their tasks and reach the designated goal. It is imperative to at least give a pat on the back to let the individuals know that they are doing a good job and motivating them to continue to work. Being positive and providing the employees or volunteers with positive feedback can help the organization go along ways? As the mission statement of the American Red Cross states, â€Å"The American Red Cross empowers ordinary people to perform extraordinary acts of service. † (American National Red Cross, 2013) The American Red Cross has been a successful organization that will use the power of volunteers to help those that are in need. The transactional, charismatic, and transformational leadership’s styles have an effect on the group communication of the American Red Cross. The leadership styles and the sources of power work hand in hand to ensure that the organization is meeting all of their goals as well as ensuring that the volunteers are on tasks and in a good working environment. The motivational theories are just a way to ensure that the volunteers and employees are committed to the workforce. The American Red Cross is a well-established organization and as long as they follow all of the above this organization will continue to be very successful in anything that they set their minds to do.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Golden Toad - Facts and Figures

Golden Toad - Facts and Figures Name: Golden Toad; also known as Bufo periglenes Habitat: Tropical forests of Costa Rica Historical Epoch: Pleistocene-Modern (2 million-20 years ago) Size and Weight: About 2-3 inches long and one ounce Diet: Insects Distinguishing Characteristics: Bright orange males; larger, less colorful females About the Golden Toad Last seen in 1989and presumed to be extinct, unless some individuals are miraculously discovered elsewhere in Costa Ricathe Golden Toad has become the poster genus for the mysterious worldwide decline in amphibian populations. The Golden Toad was discovered in 1964, by a naturalist visiting a high-altitude Costa Rican cloud forest; the bright orange, almost unnatural color of the males made an immediate impression, although the slightly larger females were much less ornate. For the next 25 years, the Golden Toad could only be observed during the spring mating season, when large groups of males would swarm over less numerous females in small ponds and puddles. (See a slideshow of 10 Recently Extinct Amphibians.) The extinction of the Golden Toad was sudden and mysterious. As recently as 1987, over a thousand adults were observed mating, then only a single individual in 1988 and 1989 and none thereafter. There are two possible explanations for the demise of the Golden Toad: first, since this amphibian relied on very specialized breeding conditions, the population could have been knocked for a loop by sudden changes in climate (even two years of unusual weather would have been enough to wipe out such an isolated species). And second, its possible that the Golden Toad succumbed to the same fungal infection that has been implicated in other amphibian extinctions around the world.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Air Pollution in the Los Angeles Basin Essay Example

Air Pollution in the Los Angeles Basin Essay Example Air Pollution in the Los Angeles Basin Paper Air Pollution in the Los Angeles Basin Paper 2010). In addition, acid rain will accelerate the decay of building materials and paints, including irreplaceable buildings, statues, and sculptures that are part of LASS cultural heritage. On a larger scale, changes in atmosphere composition are contributing to ozone depletion and global climate change. Ozone in the stratosphere protects us from dangerous LIVE radiation, but ozone close to the Earth is toxic to both animals and plants (Apollonian, Hugh, Chorea, camp; Seek-Woo, 201 1). People exposed to ozone develop respiratory symptoms resulting in lose of some lung function. As air levels worsen, ozone will become more abundant in the air we breathe. It is shown that areas of ozone depletion are now roughly two to three times larger than past measurements (Apollonian et al. , 201 1). Holes in the ozone layer will continue to expand with the buildup of air pollutants and will ultimately trigger an increase in global climate change. Los Angles has one of the worst reputations for air pollution, but how does it compare to other cities in the Unites States? There is a prominent correlation between highly populated areas and high air pollution levels. During the late sasss and early 1 asss, immigration in America was extremely high. Immigrants came looking for cheap housing and a job. Most found work in highly industrious areas like New York City, Chicago, and Los Angles. With an abundance Of cheap labor, industries grew and multiplied populating the cities where they were located. Today, unsurprisingly, the cities with the highest populations have the most concerning problems of air pollution. The most populated cities, in ascending order, are New York City, Los Angles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, and Philadelphia (Most Populated Cities in US, 2011). However, LA has the most serious ozone problem in the united States (Los Angles; Traffic and Smog, 1994). Many would assume New York City to have the worst air pollution levels, but the colder climate and northern geographic location help to clear out smog and rid the area of lingering pollutants. Although cities like Chicago and Houston have a higher level of anthropogenic sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions, researchers conclude the high level of ozone makes LA the city with the worst overall air pollution report in the USA (Quo-Jean teal. , 2010). If LA has the worst air pollution in the USA, how does it compare to other cities around the world? Same as in the US, cities with the highest populations tend to have Geiger levels of chemicals and greenhouse gases in the air. Chow (2004) uses the term megabits as a classification for cities with extremely large populations and correspondingly high pollution levels. LA is classified as a megabits but is ranked twelfth after cities like Tokyo, Mexico City, Iambi, and Shanghai. The article Los Angles; Traffic and Smog (1994) declares Mexico City to be the only city with higher ozone levels than LA. Also, urban European cities experience a greater number of problems with nitrogen oxide, which intensify as you move south. Athens is a main concern in this area (Pearson, 2001). After completion of full air pollution reports, LAs air composition is better than that of eight other megabits. Delhi, India comes in first followed by Kola, India and Jakarta, Indonesia (Chow, 2004). Although many interest groups and people are concerned with the air pollution in LA, the plethora of challenges for improving air quality makes it difficult to take effective action. As made evident in cities around the world, the common factor for places with high pollution is high population. This cites a major challenge for reducing air pollution since LAs population continues to expand. LA has experienced an eleven percent increase in population since 1990 and a five percent increase since 2000 (Los Angles Population Growth Statistics, 2012). If this pattern persists, decreasing the population in LA will not be an adequate solution to fix air quality. Another challenge for reducing air pollution in LA is the lack of public transportation made available to citizens. Los Angles developed with almost no public transportation network. Consequently, the residents must rely on personal motor vehicles for almost all transportation (Los Angles; Traffic and Smog, 1994). The unman to vehicle ratio is over one to one, which is extremely high compared to other places. A majority of chemicals in the LA air are released from motor vehicles as a result. Little usage of public transportation is a key reason why LAs air pollution is worse than other cities with a similar population. The creation Of a new, efficient public transportation network would reduce the need for personal motor vehicles and therefore decrease air pollution. In order to effectively improve air quality, government action would be needed. There have been past attempts to by both national and local governments to jugulate this crisis. The formation of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAMMED) in the early sasss sought to create air pollution controls. After developing a consistent set of regulations for the four-county area, SCAMMED adopted several significant emission-reductions measures, including rules to control man-made dust and reduce nitrogen oxides from power plants by 90% (Fiftieth Anniversary of Smog War, 1997). SCAMMED now monitors air quality at thirty-seven stations distributed throughout the basin (Chow, 2004). The Clean Air Act of 1990 is another government attempt to reduce air elution. The emission controls of the three-tier plan represent the most severe air quality management requirements ever proposed for any city (Los Angles; Traffic and Smog, 1994). The law encourages the use of market- based principles and other innovative approaches, and provides a framework from which alternative clean fuels will be used. The law promotes the use of clean low sulfur coal and natural gas. In addition, an acid rain program that gives utilities flexibility to obtain needed emission reductions Was created to encourage customers to conserve energy (Clean Air Act Amendment, 1990). Overall, the law has caused a decline in ambient concentrations of particulate matter. However, many question its effectiveness since there have been only minimal changes in LAs air composition after twenty years of its implementation. With stronger enforcement of The Clean Air Act of 1 990 and efforts by the SCAMMED, the LA Basin will have a cleaner and clearer future. Development of renewable energy sources and cleaner technology will also contribute to a promising future for LA air quality. Over the past decade or so, tech oenology for the utilization of renewable resources has been materialized and put to use around the world. Southern California alone has dozens of projects in production (Renewable Energy, 2009). The landscape and location of Southern California create an ideal environment for solar and wind farms. Nearby deserts provide flat land and high-intensity sunrays perfect for solar panel technology, while coastal winds can be captured and converted to energy by wind turbines. The growing popularity of hybrid and low-emission vehicles will also help to reduce chemicals in the atmosphere. Recent productions of different hybrid and low-emission vehicle models, like the Ionians Leaf or Chevy Volt, are making these types of vehicles more angle and appealing to the public. Also, the SCAMMED is co-sharing the project cost with a number of industries to develop a way to use H2O instead of gasoline, as well as compare different fueling strategies and H2O production methods (Chow, 2004). With the use of renewable the SCAMMED intends to advance the technology, improve competition, gain experience, and, therefore, reduce the costs to accelerate centralization (Chow, 2004). These exciting advancements in the technology and use of renewable resources provide an approach to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and lessen the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the air. Along with the use of modern technologies, passage of stricter legislation concerning emissions into the environment will help boost the air quality in LA. Economic instruments such as emission taxes and emission trading Will utilize the power of the market to encourage use of cleaner technology and fuels (Quo-Jean et al. , 2010). A market-based system will produce methods to reduce greenhouse emissions through use of the polluter pays concept (Chow, 2004). Constructing legislation of this kind will force citizens and corporations to cooperate and contribute in the effort to revivalist the atmosphere of the LA Basin. Los Angles plays host to millions of tourist year round coming to visit famous LA attractions, get a taste of Hollywood glamour, or to see the beauty of California. Travelers can find these experiences, however, few anticipate the reality of extremely poor air quality conditions. When in fact, LA has the worst air pollution reports of any city in the country. If citizens cooperate with government policies and reduce dependence on fossil fuels, levels of greenhouse gas emissions in the Los Angles Basin will diminish overtime.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Dollar Sign ($) and Underscore (_) in JavaScript

The Dollar Sign ($) and Underscore (_) in JavaScript The  dollar sign ($)  and the  underscore  (_) characters are JavaScript identifiers, which just means that they identify an object in the same way a name would.  The  objects they identify include things such as variables, functions, properties, events, and objects. For this reason, these characters are not treated  the same way as other special symbols. Instead, JavaScript treats  $  and  _  as if they were  letters of the alphabet. A JavaScript identifier  - again, just a name for any object  - must start with a lower or upper case letter, underscore (_), or dollar sign ($); subsequent characters can also include digits (0-9).  Anywhere that an alphabetic character is allowed in JavaScript, 54 possible letters are available: any lowercase letter (a through z), any uppercase letter (A through Z), $ and _. The Dollar ($) Identifier The dollar sign is commonly used as a shortcut to the function document.getElementById(). Because this function is fairly verbose and used frequently in JavaScript, the $ has long been used as its alias, and  many of the libraries available for use with JavaScript create a  $()  function that references an element from the DOM if you pass it the id of that element. There is nothing about $ that requires it to be used this way, however. But it has been the convention, although there is nothing in the language to enforce it. The dollar sign $ was chosen for the function name by the first of these libraries because it is a short one-character word, and $  was least likely to be used by itself as a function name and therefore the least likely to clash with other code in the page. Now multiple libraries are providing their own version of the $() function, so many now provide the option to turn off that definition in order to avoid clashes.   Of course,  you dont need to use a library to be able to use $(). All you need to substitute $() for document.getElementById() is to add a definition of the $() function to your code as follows: function $(x) {return document.getElementById(x);} The Underscore _ Identifier   A convention has also developed regarding the use of _, which is frequently used to preface the name of an objects property or method that is private. This is a quick and easy way to immediately identify a private class member, and it is so widely used, that almost every programmer will recognize it. This is particularly useful in JavaScript since defining fields as private or public is done without the use of the  private and public keywords (at least this is true in the versions of JavaScript used in web browsers - JavaScript 2.0 does allow these keywords). Note that again, as with $, the use of _ is merely a convention and is not enforced by JavaScript itself. As far as JavaScript is concerned, $ and _ are just ordinary letters of the alphabet. Of course, this special treatment of $ and _  applies only within JavaScript itself. When you test for alphabetic characters in the data, they are treated as special characters no different from any of the other special characters.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Possible Change of Teachers Attitudes throughout their Career Research Paper

Possible Change of Teachers Attitudes throughout their Career - Research Paper Example Freedman & Carver (2007) iterate that personally-held values and beliefs of the teacher have significant influence on in-class teaching practices. Hall (2005) supports this notion, opining that it is the personal beliefs of teachers that â€Å"inform their professional attitudes and conduct in the classroom.† There is, then, an undeniable link between personal value systems and the evolution of teaching style over time which could, theoretically, have significant impact on the decision to, initially, seek a career as a high school teacher. According to Morris & Maisto (2005), the complexities associated with teaching require a self-actualized individual that finds significant psycho-social rewards for promoting higher learning and educational development in students. Under most models of psychology and sociology, self-actualization is the state of emotional being in which an individual actively seeks to pursue their maximum utility and the pinnacle of their abilities gained on ce self-confidence and self-esteem have been developed within the individual. When a high school teacher first lands their position, they often seek to break the proverbial mold of teaching by attempting to create unique and differentiated classroom content and teaching styles. Filled with fresh ideas, the teacher seeks to create a sense of personal belonging with teaching peers and with students which influences initial teaching styles. Teachers will often seek out alliances with other teaching facilitators and administrators in an educational scenario referred to as communities of practice, a collection of skilled individuals that collaborate to promote learning about a specific skill or practice (Wenger, 2005). However, it is not long into career where such activities will often meet with centralized hierarchies of control where bureaucracy and budget issues prevent effective facilitation of these communities of practice. Many teachers will attempt to create more contemporary and innovative curriculum content, using assistive technologies to facilitate modern learning concepts and principles (Bausch & Hasselbring, 2004). Other teachers in an effort to establish a positive name for themselves in the academic environment attempt experiential learning curriculum, a form of hands-on learning to facilitate a genuine and innovative learning experience (Merriam, Caffarella & Baumgartner, 2007). However, what is unclear is whether these preliminary and initial needs and values remain constant throughout the evolution of the teaching career. A Qualitative Study To determine what impacts attitudes of high school teachers early in career and throughout the evolution of practice, it was necessary to conduct a small-scale qualitative study utilizing a small sample of high school teachers as participants. Qualitative research was the most viable and reliable methodology for this study as measuring complex attitudes in a range of psycho-social principles cannot accurately be measured statistically. It was necessary to conduct semi-structured interviews with currently practicing high school

Friday, October 18, 2019

Network planning for my Logistics class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Network planning for my Logistics class - Essay Example The decisions made on the logistics network are usually framed to act as a trade-off between the fixed costs of a warehouse and the costs of transporting the goods. This means that, if the network has a few warehouses, then there is a reduction of fixed costs although it raises the transportation costs. Adding more warehouses on the network reduces the transportation costs and increasing the fixed costs. There are two different factors which one must consider when designing a network design. The first factor which a logistician must consider most is the distance. Adding more warehouses in a network decreases the number of kilometers travelled because the distance from the supplier to the warehouse and then to the customer is minimized. Moreover, the most expensive part in the logistics is the movement of goods from the warehouse to the end user since the load shipped is always divided into different quantities. The more the warehouses on the design network the fewer the kilometers between the customer and the stores. This paper includes the second factor which is to optimally solve the network design problems whereby there is the inclusion of inventory cost. Ballou (2001) acknowledges the importance of the inventory costs inclusion over the fixed costs of warehousing and also the costs of the transportation. Ballou (2001) also explains that the absence of the inventory costs in network design is caused by the mixed integer in the linear programming, of which is a requirement to have the cost relationships to be linear. Unfortunately, in the real world, the relationships between the inventory and the number of warehouses are not linear. Using the approach of including the inventory costs motivates one to treat the relationship between the inventory and the number of warehouses as a function which is discrete. This is the reason of proposing the model that may be used by different firms through the inclusion of inventory in the

British Industrial Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

British Industrial Revolution - Essay Example This argument forms the basis of my thesis that resources and geographical endowments led to the industrial revolution in Britain. The geographical location of Britain provided an advantage to Britain in the race for industrialization. Farming resulting from the domestication of animals started in Britain, and this led to the agricultural revolution. In fact, agriculture in the rest of the world began many years after Britain had tried her hand at farming. It is this agricultural revolution that brought about growth. Nevertheless, it is not all obvious that growth and markets get you an industrial revolution. Industrial revolution was something diverse that generally involved, immense increases in energy use per capita. The extensive deposits of coal provided sufficient fuel for use in factories as well as in the generation of electricity. Moreover, Britain had certain institutional and other kinds of arrangements that facilitated the industrial revolution. However, they werent sufficient without some different things, like the location of huge coal deposits (Laichas, 2007). Iron was also in plenty and utilized for agricultural tools, chains, nails, horse stirrups, bolts sickles, locks and anchors (Laichaz, 2007). The relatively small size of Britain made transportation of these minerals, quick and reasonably cheap. The need to pump water out of these coal mines led to the invention of the steam engine. The same steam engines were later used in cotton mills with their efficiency improved. The cultural strengths of Britain as evidenced in the technological innovations also made it an ideal place for industrialization to thrive. Engineering and machine tools were invented now and then and complimented the human labor that was in force. In 1764, James Hargreaves invention of the Spinning Jenny ensured that yarn could be produced in greater quantities. The power loom and the steam engine further revolutionized the cotton

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The notion of a basic right Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The notion of a basic right - Essay Example There is no law or declaration needed for him to enjoy that right. Nor can there be law or declaration that can stop him from enjoying that right as well. Another example is the basic right of a laborer to receive wages. As long as one is considered as an employee, the right to receive wage is already implied. Maybe a contract is needed to stipulate how much he will receive and how often he'll receive it, but no clause in a contract is needed to establish that right, nor can there be a clause depriving him of the right to receive wages. With or without a contract, one shall be paid for his labor. So we have established two aspects of basic right. First, it is automatic. And second, it is inalienable. It is automatic because as mentioned earlier, for as long as one has the status, one has the right - no need for a grant or declaration. It is inalienable because it cannot be taken away from him. He cannot be deprived of it, nor can he surrender it. As the clich goes, no man is an island. Therefore we have evolved not just into human beings but into social beings as well. We humans cannot live solely by ourselves. It doesn't matter how big or small our community is. It may only consist of our immediate families like in primitive tribes, or it may consist of millions of people like in a highly urbanized city. The point is; we have to co-exist with another. And because of this, civilization as we know it evolved. An important part in all forms of societies is the government, as it holds the society together. It may not be the complex form of government like the one we have now. It can be as simple as a group of elders in a tribe. The important thing is they provide order and security in the community. Since the government charts the course of the community, what now is the role of the individual members If a person is not a leader nor is part of the government, will he have any say on the way the community is being led Will he have any participation at all For example, in a democracy, though there is a central body governing the people, major decisions are made by all the members, like the act of voting during senatorial or presidential elections. Individuals may also give their views in forums or survey that will be considered by the people in their government. They may have rallies to convey their approval or disapproval in the way they are being led. Participation may come in different forms. The important thing is, the opinion of a member is considered. And such opinion may influence the direction of the nation. Government Participation as a Basic Right The community is composed of individuals; a country is composed of its citizens. Hence, whatever it is the government does, ultimately, it will affect the individuals composing it - its citizens. For example, a state chooses to impose a certain tax to be used to build infrastructures. Obviously, all the citizens will pay it. Everyone within its territory is affects. And because of this, it is but fair that individual members consulted or at least have a say in government activities. However can we consider government participation as a basic right First test: Is it Automatic We have said earlier, basic rights are automatic. As such, can we say that all humans have the right to participate in their corresponding governments If one is an American citizen, is he granted the basic right to particip

The Firms Expansion Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

The Firms Expansion Strategies - Essay Example The market expansion strategy though initially appeared like need to flex its financial muscle against its rivals but after an examination revealed critically and affirmed my learning experience that these strategies are well-calculated strategic management initiatives aimed at enhancing the company’s growth and development to expand beyond the overcrowded domestic domains. My knowledge of the companies’ competitive advantage in terms of price discounting and efficient supply chain management assisted me to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of such terms that had previously only seemed theoretical and impractical. Â  The assignment therefore greatly enhanced my prior knowledge of diverse economic terms and models, thus ensuring there is more deeply entrenched in my mind. The assignment has, therefore, made me better comprehend the classroom learning to a more practical level. the research made me come to term with the real meaning of strategic management in regards to marketing strategies as well as being able to adequately read financial data to ascertain a company’s performance indexes both in the short term (quarterly or annually) and long-term (five years). The study was, therefore, a veritable learning curve for me.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The notion of a basic right Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The notion of a basic right - Essay Example There is no law or declaration needed for him to enjoy that right. Nor can there be law or declaration that can stop him from enjoying that right as well. Another example is the basic right of a laborer to receive wages. As long as one is considered as an employee, the right to receive wage is already implied. Maybe a contract is needed to stipulate how much he will receive and how often he'll receive it, but no clause in a contract is needed to establish that right, nor can there be a clause depriving him of the right to receive wages. With or without a contract, one shall be paid for his labor. So we have established two aspects of basic right. First, it is automatic. And second, it is inalienable. It is automatic because as mentioned earlier, for as long as one has the status, one has the right - no need for a grant or declaration. It is inalienable because it cannot be taken away from him. He cannot be deprived of it, nor can he surrender it. As the clich goes, no man is an island. Therefore we have evolved not just into human beings but into social beings as well. We humans cannot live solely by ourselves. It doesn't matter how big or small our community is. It may only consist of our immediate families like in primitive tribes, or it may consist of millions of people like in a highly urbanized city. The point is; we have to co-exist with another. And because of this, civilization as we know it evolved. An important part in all forms of societies is the government, as it holds the society together. It may not be the complex form of government like the one we have now. It can be as simple as a group of elders in a tribe. The important thing is they provide order and security in the community. Since the government charts the course of the community, what now is the role of the individual members If a person is not a leader nor is part of the government, will he have any say on the way the community is being led Will he have any participation at all For example, in a democracy, though there is a central body governing the people, major decisions are made by all the members, like the act of voting during senatorial or presidential elections. Individuals may also give their views in forums or survey that will be considered by the people in their government. They may have rallies to convey their approval or disapproval in the way they are being led. Participation may come in different forms. The important thing is, the opinion of a member is considered. And such opinion may influence the direction of the nation. Government Participation as a Basic Right The community is composed of individuals; a country is composed of its citizens. Hence, whatever it is the government does, ultimately, it will affect the individuals composing it - its citizens. For example, a state chooses to impose a certain tax to be used to build infrastructures. Obviously, all the citizens will pay it. Everyone within its territory is affects. And because of this, it is but fair that individual members consulted or at least have a say in government activities. However can we consider government participation as a basic right First test: Is it Automatic We have said earlier, basic rights are automatic. As such, can we say that all humans have the right to participate in their corresponding governments If one is an American citizen, is he granted the basic right to particip

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8

Marketing - Assignment Example To select the best place to market its products apple should conduct porter’s industry forces between China and Mexico. A lot has been said about the competition between Mexico and China as potential markets for electronic products. The two countries have little in common in terms of culture, social aspects, and political front, but when it comes to business, they have so many similarities. Some many institutions have continued to trust the two economic engines more than the rest of the world markets because of their higher growth rate. In terms of overall potential buying power, China stands a better chance than Mexico due to its larger population than the later. The Chinese population is more than six times that of Mexico, thus making the country a good market destination. However, Bob and Luis (par. 9-12) highlighted that the buying potential power in Mexico is larger than that in China since Mexico’s GDP per capita is approximately six times higher than that of China standing at $7,467 while that of china is $1,240. The threat of substitutes of electronics and software is important for Apple Inc when marketing its products either in China or in Mexico. China has one disadvantage because it is a potential market for Apple’s substitute products and people in China would rather go for a similar product performing similar function at a lower price than buying an expensive one. This means that apple would be forced to sell its products at lower prices China to overcome its competitors’ products and hence low revenues as suggested by Baidu (13-14). Meanwhile, Mexico would be a great market destination for Apple’s products since there are few players in the market and the availability of substitute products is low. Thus, the probability of Apple earning better returns in Mexico than in China is high and it is easier to monopolize the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Barack Obama’s Final Campaign Rally Essay Example for Free

Barack Obama’s Final Campaign Rally Essay The final speech Barrack Obama made the night before the election. The artifact examined in this paper is the final speech of then-presidential candidate Barrack Obama in the state of Virginia at the night before the election. It is his last chance to address and persuade the people to vote for him in the coming election. †¢ The search model used: The Neo-Aristotelian approach of rhetorical criticism was used to analyze the artifact. The Neo-Aristotelian approach was used to analyze Barrack Obama’s speech in this paper. This approach covers all significant areas to determine the genre of the speech. This leads to the understanding of the presidential made by Barrack Obama in the campaign period. †¢ The thesis: â€Å"The speech Obama is analyzed to provide an understanding of the rhetorical style that successfully helped him be elected as the president of the U. S. † The thesis of the speech analysis on Barrack Obama’s last address to the public aims to understand its significance to his whole campaign as it made a conclusion on the series of speeches he made during the campaign period. Summary of Analysis: †¢ Rhetorical situation: The last speech Obama made before the election in Virginia, Republican state, is very significant to analyze the whole period of his campaign. This speech is said to have win him the election. It is evident that the analysis of this speech will make way to understanding of what is the approach the Obama did in his long campaign for it is the conclusion of all his speeches and it is the night before the election. †¢ How the search model was applied to analysis of the artifact: The speech analysis makes use of canons of rhetoric presented by Aristotle. The speech analysis makes use of the five canon of rhetoric in the Neo-Aristotelian approach to analyze the detail of the speech. The speech was analyzed using the canons like invention, arrangement, elocution, memory and delivery. And the speech was found to be outstanding in the five canons. Conclusion: †¢ Usefulness of the search model: The Neo-Aristotelian Approach gave way to a detail analysis of the speech that made Obama the 44th president of the United States. The approach use in this analysis clearly covers all components the speech has to measure its effectiveness to the public. It is found that Obama is very good oratorical speaker that awarded him an advantage in the election. †¢ Value of doing the paper: The analysis gave way to the understanding that the Obama I definitely won the public in his speeches. This analysis prove the claim that Obama touch the hearts on the American people by delivering such effective speeches that presented what he is and what he wanted to do in the future when he become president. His speeches instill such great impact to the public it probably influences the people to strive for the change. Supporting Material: †¢ Visual aid: The sign of a major event held by officers in roads covered in the rally. The Obama party uses sign boards that says a major event happening and that they have to expect heavy traffic somewhat affected people stuck in traffic to attend in the rally. †¢ Audio: The Stevie Wonder’s song Signed, Sealed, Delivered is a major factor which conveys meaning from the speech. The Stevie Wonder song at the end of the speech made a great impact to the listeners of the speech for it gives a message that Obama will do what he promise and that he mean what he said. †¢ Other: The â€Å"yes, we can† tagline and the â€Å"fired up, ready to go† chant. The meaning involve his tagline ensures the American that they can change anything if they want to. And the chant is use to make the people in the rally to remember what they just heard.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Mental Health of Canadian Indigenous People

Mental Health of Canadian Indigenous People Author: Sarah E. Nelson, Kathi Wilson Journal: Social Science and Medicine (2017) This article focuses on the literature in relation to mental health of the indigenous people in Canada. Indigenous people contribute to 370 million of the worlds population spread over more than 70 different countries (WHO, 2007) and are known by different names all across the globe. It is strongly believed by many scholars that an unequal burden of mental illness is being carried by the indigenous people all around the world. According to a number of studies it has been seen that colonialism and the process associated with it play an important role in determining the health of indigenous population internationally. This study was carried out since not much research has been done on the mental health of indigenous people in Canada. Something that connects the indigenous people all around the world is the experience of colonialism even though the experience and the history differ greatly in various location and indigenous population. Health issues such as infant mortality, high incidences of acute or chronic pain, and injury have been associated by the international literature with social inequalities like poverty and racism emerging from colonialism. It has been indicated by research around the world that we should be careful when concluding about the occurrence of mental illness without taking into account the colonial process. Studies related to the mental illness of indigenous people in Canada like elsewhere is being taken up by settlers who follow colonial and non indigenous concepts and epistemologies. They also raised concern about the fixity of colonialism in health care system, which creates a problem for the indigenous people who need health care services especially for mental illness. The aim of this study was to identify the extent of research on mental health of indigenous people in Canada, find out the gaps which may exists in the studies whichÂÂ   have been done, and determine the extent to which mental health research is representative of indigenous populations and geographies in Canada. This study was carried out in 5 stages. First, the research question was identified followed by finding out studies relevant to it, selecting them, collecting the data, and combining and summarizing the results. Studies were collected from 11 data bases and 2 indigenous- specific journals. The articles were grouped under social determinants of mental health, mental health services, prevalence of specific type of mental illness, mental health promotion, mental health research and the impact and effect of colonialism on mental health of indigenous people. Out of the 223 selected articles, majority of them emphasized on the different sides of colonialism as a factor of mental illness which exhibited the colonial plan in policy decision. This study does not include the grey literature. Excluding such literature might led to overlooking at important strategies which may be practiced by various organizations. However the authors of this article believe that the 223 articles reviewed in this study give a gist of the research being carried out on indigenous people in Canada. Colonialism is a major issue addressed in this study in relation to mental health research. The term colonialism is used to indicate the effect of colonialism rather than the structure itself. This can lead to misinterpretation of the term and cause a narrowed understanding. Interactions with different aspects of colonialism by the indigenous people vary and it is important to maintain this diversity and deal with it accordingly even though they all share the common effect of colonialism. There are only a few interventions which are culturally accepted. It is therefore very important to look deeply into the interventions and mental health programs wh ich are beneficial and accepted by the indigenous community. When seeking help for mental treatment they feel stigmatized and when is it accompanied by racial discrimination and experiences of colonialism, it becomes even more difficult for the indigenous people to get them self treated. It is important to evaluate which programs and mental health practices are favorable for various indigenous groups. This article has immensely broadened my view and knowledge about the mental health of indigenous people not only in Canada but all over the world. The huge effect of colonialism is not restricted to an individual but passes on from generation to generation. Culture plays a very important role in maintaining the health equity in different populations. The side effects of colonialism can be minimized by analyzing it as a cultural problem rather than a political, social or economic affair. Even in the 21st century it is sad to know that the indigenous remain extremely aloof from the mainstream society even though they are the origins of their respective place. Article 2 Author: Luke Allen, Julianne Williams, Nick Townsend, Bente Mikkelsen, Nia Roberts, Charlie Foster, Kremlin Wickramasinghe. Title: Socioeconomic status and non-communicable disease behavioural risk factors in low-income and lower-middle-income countries: a systematic review Journal: The Lancet Global Health (2017) This article focuses on the socioeconomic status and non-communicable disease behavioural risk factors in low-income and lower-middle-income countries (LLMICs) which comprises of 39 countries. One of the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to reduce the premature deaths caused due to non-communicable diseases (NCD) by a third by 2030. The mortality rate due to NCD is reducing by 1.8% in Brazil per year because of the spread and extension of primary health care. Thus it can be seen that the premature deaths due to NCD can be reduced to a significant amount by implementing government policies which focus on reducing behavioural risk factors. (WHO, 2007) 70% of the global deaths occur because of NCD. The relation between socioeconomic status and non communicable diseases is well understood in the high income countries but how behavioural risk factors are spread among the low-middle- income countries remains uncovered. This article aims to review systematically the relation between the socioeconomic status and harmful use of alcohol, tobacco, unhealthy diets and physically inactivity in LLMICs. For this study, 13 databases were looked into. The studies that were included were from LLMICs showing data on various measures of socioeconomic status and use of tobacco, alcohol, diet, and physical activity. The exclusion criteria included studies that restricted equating between more or less advantaged groups. Age or language was not the criteria for exclusion of a study. A narrative way for data synthesis was used due to high heterogeneity. 4242 records were reviewed out of which 75 met the assigned criteria which comprised of 2135314 individuals, who were older than 10 years of age. This study was carried out in accordance with PRISMA and Cochrane guidance. Studies included in this review were of moderate to high quality having a cross-sectional and survey based approach. After systematically reviewing the records, it was found that the low socioeconomic groups had a higher prevalence of tobacco and alcohol use and low intake of healthy diet when compared with the high income gr oup. On the other hand, less physical activity and more consumption of processed foods were seen in people form high socioeconomic group. The socioeconomic indicators that were used were income, wealth or assets, state defined poverty, literacy, education, occupational status and class, caste, job seniority, and researcher defined socioeconomic status. This was the first systematic review conducted within LLMICs which analyzed the socioeconomic distribution of all 4 major behavioural risk factors. Using this broad range of socioeconomic factors enabled the researchers to find a significant difference between casts, classes, sexes, occupational groups, and educational strata. Looking at the dietary findings, there was a direct relation seen between the socioeconomic status and intake of healthy diet. Low socioeconomic status group consumed more amount of processed food in high income setting and the opposite was seen in the LLMICs. Coming to physically activity, it was seen that rural low socioeconomic groups work in jobs which require more physical activity in LLMICs. In cities, this relation in reversed. As the study is heterogeneous, it needs careful interpretation and the findings cannot be seen as absolute. Because of the huge data collected it was difficult to reach to the depth of each risk factor. More than half of the countries classified as LLMICSs were not seen in their search results and this was a major finding as well as a weakness. Half of the studies were in relation to India which proves to be high quality evidence but these results cannot be generalized to all the LLMICs. Hence it is necessary to conduct more research to find out if the results found in this study are true even where close observation does not take place. Strategies which are implemented by the policy makers and national development agencies in areas where the premature deaths occurring due to NCD is more, should be evaluated to check if they are appropriate to their setting and should implement their plan accordingly. The government can play an important role by improving the rate of literacy, standa rd of living, income along with the heath conditions as it is clearly seen that the low socioeconomic conditions are related to non communicable risk factors. Even though data is not available for all the LLMICs, appropriate and immediate action should be takes for countries where data is available. References: Nelson, S. E., Wilson, K. (2017). The mental health of Indigenous peoples in Canada: A critical review of research. Social Science Medicine. World Health Organization. (October 2007). Media centre: health of indigenous peoples. Retrieved from Allen, L., Williams, J., Townsend, N., Mikkelsen, B., Roberts, N., Foster, C., Wickramasinghe, K. (2017). Socioeconomic status and non-communicable disease behavioural risk factors in low-income and lower-middle-income countries: a systematic review. The Lancet Global Health, 5(3), e277-e289. World Health Organization.( 2017).media centre: non communicable diseases prematurely take 16 million lives annually, WHO urges more action. Retrieved from

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Immigration in America Today :: Illegal Immigration, Illegal Immigrants

Immigration in America Today Every year, hundreds of thousands of immigrants, legal and illegal, from around the world, come to the United States. These immigrants come because they want a chance at a better life; others are refugees, escaping persecution and civil wars in their home country. Many people believe the United States is the best place to go. There is more freedom, protection, and benefits, which seems like a good deal to immigrants. But the large number of immigration is affecting the current citizens of the United States. Taxpayers are forced to pay for the welfare and schooling for many of these immigrants, some who are illegal aliens. Some citizens believe that immigration can be hazardous to the environment. Others blame crime, poverty, and overpopulation on immigration. About sixty-eight million immigrants have been added to the United States since 1970, and it is estimated that 130 million people will be added over the next fifty years. The government has tried somewhat to restrict im migration but the laws are still too lenient. Nearly every other advanced country in the world is moving quickly towards stabilized population or has already achieved it. The United States is moving towards it very slowly. This country would have to reduce immigration down to 255,000 a year to do this (Beck 1). If nothing is done to stabilize the immigration to this country, what will become of population in the next decade? The population will continue to grow even faster - not due to births, but to massive immigration to this country. Immigration can become a serious problem to this country if the government does not produce stricter laws. The government must restrict immigration laws because of overpopulation of the United States. Immigration has been affecting America?s population for over two hundred years now. Back in the 1800?s, immigration was encouraged so that the New World could become prosperous. Today, some citizens have been worrying about how many more immigrants the United States can take in, while others do not really care because employers would rather pay lower wages to new immigrants or immigration does not seem to be affecting them in any way. It is impossible to stop all immigrants from coming to the United States, but the government can restrict the immigration laws to a certain extent (Kalla 2).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Marketing proposal

The Iphone is not a phone. It is a revolution that has just started. Some have called it the next resting place of the mind. When we heard that Apple was creating a new product after iPod, we all held our collective breadths, what were Steve jobs up to? Built in the simple elegance that only Apple knows how to this work of arts most distinctive feature is its high-tech multi touch function that creates an amazing   user experience enables an individual to control everything using his or her fingers and type using a predictive keyboard and glade through the multi touch display to find photos, messages, friends easily. There is thankfully lees clutter and none of those confusing functions that get in the way. Yet the iPod lack one function in order to get it fully right. It doesn’t have a mirror, actually a magic mirror. This is the name I have given a feature that the iphone must have. It is an electronic mirror that a clear spread with your hand over the face of the iphone screens morphs up. Magic mirror can be a traditional mirror with a frame and also has drivers that allow you to talk to an animated character who gives an appropriate response by way of drivers that trigger this. It actively mixes video images while communicating via RS 239 and using the Creston automation system. Other functions includes enabling doctors to identify psychological, physical well being by looking at your magic mirror image along with heart beat and blood pressure sensors of patients and the elderly. The target markets for magic mirror are teenage girls, middle income globally. Because of the growth of the world, middle class there has been a parallel growth in affluent teenagers and young adults. No matter where they are in the world, they have similar desires, interests and consumptions. This has been influenced by the worldwide mass media. They watch the same shows, listen to the same music and watch the same movies and videos. They not only idolize the same musicians, dressing styles, mannerisms and attitudes and therefore have the same shared characteristics and preferences. We intend to have teenagers identify with iphone early in life because preferences and tastes formed now can influence purchasing trends throughout their lives. The social cause that I intend to support is the delinquency and lack of manners that is so prevalent in young adults today. While it has become a common practice for older people to ignore or not to give much thought to young people’s behavior and regard this as a passing cloud, I beg to differ. The recent incidents of fatal shootings all over America is the upper peak of a mountain of poor mannerisms that if not checked will result in lawlessness and societal breakdown. I would advocate a campaign for good manners starting at the very bottom. Children as young as three learning to say thank you and please , then moving up to pre-teens who will use the fulfilled and life lessons applications, games, quizzes and chats. Then focus on teenagers and on the other hand providing guidance, advice and support to parents. The slogan I would choose is ‘thanks a million’. This is a slogan that will be part of the campaign that initiates a state by state competition where a million teenagers’ text thank you messages to older people who have done wonderful and even simple things to make life better for others. Tyra banks are in my opinion the most suitable spokesman for the campaign. Her whole life story is an example for many teenagers about how to become a success in life. Born in a middle class background, she lived a normal life and was inspired by her mother who identified her talent in modeling and helped her develop it even through the most challenging times of her life. As a talk show host, Tyra banks have placed her energy towards developing the potential of young women. Her show provides information on fashion, dress, complexion and style. She especially focuses on teenage girls through the Tzone summer camp experience where independence, self esteem is taught to teenage girls at a mountainside camp for a week. Her energy and personality appeals strongly to young girls most importantly. Tyra banks are a modern woman and a role model with manners.   She has started her own campaign against use of derogatory words ageist women in rap videos and has a policy of not allowing swear words to be used during her show. She is the right person for the job. Magic mirror is just a start of the concept of capturing all the senses sight, sound and smell within the iPod. The next phase is to introduce a scent sensor to the iphone as well as a sound sensor. These two features will make the iphone the almost man’s best friend. REFERENCES Winer, R.S. (2007). Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Literary Critic of “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” Essay

The story â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty† is a form of a short story genre variety. This story was written by James Thurber, and published in The New Yorker in 1939 (Clugston, 2010). This is an intriguing story of a daydreaming husband, Walter Mitty, and his domineering wife as they run a few errands to town. I will make use of literary criticism by explaining my connection to the story, analyzing the meaning of the story, and taking the formalistic approach in discussing James Thurber’s story. My connection to this story is strongly held by the fact that I am also a daydreamer. I will admit this is a frustrating characteristic for others, but for one’s self as well; eventhough, the situations discussed in the story seem quite humorous to the reader. Mr. Thurber presents the tone, or mood, of frustration throughout this story. As Walter is daydreaming and driving faster than Mrs. Mitty likes, she abruptly interrupts him. Although the daydream breaks for an instance, he quickly returns to his daydream. Mrs. Mitty is quick to interrupt again, â€Å"It’s one of your days. I wish you’d let Dr. Renshaw look you over.† Her frustration is evident because she thinks that something must be wrong with him. Later when Walter is not wearing his gloves, Mrs. Mitty is certain he has lost them. James Thurber has reinforced her frustration. Walter’s frustration is expressed in the story several times as well. An instance when a parking attendant awakens Walter from another daydream, the story reads â€Å"Mitty becomes a little testy.† When Walter makes several mistakes trying to park the car, the frustrated attendant tells him to â€Å"leave her sit there, I’ll put her away.† When the attendant parks the car with some expertise, Walter replies â€Å"they’re so damn cocky, they think they know everything.† Probably the sharpest image portrayed in the story is  when Mrs. Mitty is hassling Walter for not having the sense to put on his overshoes. Walter’s reaction is one of self-defense stating â€Å"Does it ever occur to you that I am sometimes thinking.† This set the tone that Walter is letting his wife know that just because he may seem lost, does not make him senseless, or that she needs to keep after him the way she does. As a daydreamer myself, I have experienc ed some of the same frustrations depicted in this story, so I connected with the story immediately. Now moving on to the analysis of this story, there are several meanings illustrated. According to Koger, there are four themes or meanings conveyed through this story which are â€Å"the contrast between a human being’s hopes for life and its actuality, the power of the mind or imagination, the conflict between the individual and authority, and the ascendancy of technology and materialism in the twentieth century† (Koger, 2004). I agree that all of these themes are displayed throughout the story; however, I believe one has been overlooked. I feel that Walter Mitty may have self-esteem issues that he is able to overcome in his daydreams or, even better, they do not exist. Many examples are apparent contrasting one’s hopes and reality. Walter’s â€Å"heroic ability† in his daydreams versus his inadequacies in the reality of the story is one example (Koger, 2004). Another fine example is Mitty’s ability to master technology in his daydreams versus his inability to maneuver his car, or appropriately unwind tire chains (Koger, 2004). Another example, of my own accord, is the confidence that is portrayed in the fantasies that do not exist in the reality. For example, in the first daydream he is a commander taking charge of a ship and traveling through a storm versus being told to wait in front of the drug store, in the rain, for his wife as though he were a child. The power of the mind and imagination another theme to the story is exemplified through Mitty’s daydreams. Mitty is able to overcome every dilemma he faces in reality through his daydreams. He becomes an expert of machinery, and he no longer fears authority figures, but instead becomes an authority figure. He even boosts his self-esteem by allowing the phrase â€Å"the old man ain’t afraid of hell.† Self-esteem is an important characteristic of the story. The persona or narrator may or may not reflect the author’s perspective (Clugston, 2010). However; Thurber lost an eye as a child (Clugston, 2010). I find it very symbolic that in Walter Mitty’s first daydream; the narrator describes the commander â€Å"with the heavily braided white cap pulled down rakishly over one cold gray eye.† I am inclined to think that James Thurber may be the Walter Mitty in the story. That being said, I also understand where the lack of confidence has played into the story. Mr. Thurber is able to cover his bad eye through the words that he writes. Thompson describes Mitty as a â€Å"docile nobody muffled in layers of winter clothing with a loquacious and overprotective wife beside him† (Thompson, 2008). This is yet more evidence of the poor self-esteem portrayed characteristically through Walter Mitty. The formalistic approach is â€Å"the most widely used in literary criticism; it focuses on the form and development of the literary work itself† (Clugston, 2010). The setting of the story is memorable because it is cold, and the characters must drive into town to run errands giving clues that the Mitty’s live in the country or a very small town. James Thurber also creatively interrupts the daydreams at their climax, adding to the jolt back to reality. This gives the readers a chance to get lost in the daydreams, and be jolted back to reality as well. Walter is described as a middle aged man unhappy with his life. The evidence of his unhappiness is portrayed through his daydreams where his life is almost perfect. Mrs. Mitty is described as a nagging old woman who is constantly frustrated with her husband’s absentmindedness. She is constantly telling him what to do and how to act. When he does not, she assumes he has fallen ill. Thurber also uses the same simple phrases such as â€Å"pocketa-pocketa-pocketa† for every machine giving the reader the sense that in reality, all machines have the same amount of value in Walter’s mind. Using the simple fountain pen to fix an expensive piece of machinery also gives clues to Walters’s lack of intelligence when it comes to technology. The author also uses very explicit daydreams allowing the reader to understand how far Walter Mitty had escaped from reality. In conclusion, I have discussed my connection, analyzed the meaning, and taken a formalistic approach to critic this wonderful piece of literature. The connection to the story is easy to come by as every person daydreams occasionally. The story consists of five different meanings or themes as I have discussed. I have also discussed the several different literary actions and the artistic ability used to create an amazingly humorous piece of art. References Clugston, R. W. (2010). Journey into literature. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Retrieved from Koger, G. (2004). Masterplots ii: Short story series, revised edition. (2nd ed. ed., Vol. 1). United Kingdom; England: Salem Press. Retrieved from Thompson, T. (2008). â€Å"he sprang to the machine† : â€Å"the secret [technological] life of walter mitty. (1 ed., Vol. 41, pp. 110-115). Retrieved from

The Background of DAY

Background of DAY Background Our brand is a renowned international Danish-owned clothing company founded in 1997 by Keld Mikkelsen and Malene Birger, headquartered in Odense and at Kongens Nytorv in Copenhagen. Our profit in 2006 was up to 13 million and has been expanding in recent years. Moreover, we hold two fashion shows in Copenhagen fashion week every year. Products Our brand’s products can be classified into three main lines, which are male, female and home decor. Designet tilhorer hojeste kvalitet med etnisk inspireret broderi og udsmykning. The design of which belongs to the highest quality with a distinct Scandinavian style inspired by the true craftsmanship of Asian tailoring, the meeting of art and craft – embroidery, prints, patterns, edging and trimming. Our unique design includes modern, individual, bohemian and international styles with inspiration from the colonial period in the Far East, vintage flea market treasures and the glamour of the twenties and thirties. Retail format Our brand was originally a local retailer selling private labels but is now expanding into a global multichannel retailer. In less than 15 years of existence, our company has opened around 40 self-named boutiques. In total, 800 retailers in 25 different countries, such as Sweden , England and Germany, are currently selling our collections, out of which 60 can be found in France. Target market The target groups are women and men aged 25-40 with high income. Our new line 2nd DAY, on the other hand, is aimed at a slightly younger target market than the main range. The market segment is mainly Scandinavia, but is now expanding to other parts of Northern Europe. Konceptet bag tojet er, at tilbyde festtoj til hverdagen til den modebevidste kvinde og herre. The concept behind our clothes is to offer evening wear to everyday life for the fashion-conscious women and men. Background of Hong Kong The main focus of our brand is in the Northern Europe, but the fact is that it is also suitable for the Asian market. We think that DAY can do that, by choosing Hong Kong as a starting point. Hong Kong, as a metropolitan, contains elements which fit the attitude and concept of our brand. Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, located on the southern coast of China. This location provides a good connection for the linkage of international companies to China. Besides, Hong Kong is one of the most famous international financial centres of the world with stable economic situation and is a developed city where the citizens can enjoy good quality of lives. These characteristics effectively help our brand to build its image in Asia as a brand new market. Hong Kong was a colony of Britain, and now it becomes the SAR of China. Therefore, the concept of â€Å"East meets West† is rather familiar in Hong Kong. We can find both British architectures and Chinese markets in Wan Chai. We can also enjoy both steak and congee at Cha Chaan Tengs. This kind of fusion matches the concept of our brand, combining local with global, as we create our design by mixing Asian embroideries and Western contemporary cutting together, making pieces of daily couture. We believe that the fusion concept can arouse a pretty large market for Hong Kong people and they can adapt to our brand easily. The location of Hong Kong is also perfect for us to enter a larger market. Through Hong Kong, our products can be sold to China and other Asian cities. This is rather important as the interest of Danish fashion for Chinese companies is now rapidly growing. For instance, the Copenhagen Fashion Week this year attracted 50 Chinese buyers, media and producers like Vogue China, showing that a number of Chinese companies are giving a big recognition to Danish fashion. Now, there are approximately 30 Danish companies and 4000 retail stores operating in China, and the export level of the Danish fashion industry has increased its earnings by 11. 4%. Thus it is no doubt a suitable time for us to enter the Asian market for Danish fashion companie. However, the Chinese may not be able to digest this new style so fast. Hong Kong is a good indicator though. If this style is suitable for Hong Kong people, the products can be promoted to the Mainland more easily. After that, the promotion of our brand in China would be much more effective. More than that, Hong Kong is much more developed than the Mainland in terms of transportation. It would be easier to transport products to various places in Asia through Hong Kong. Apart from that, logistic costs can be minimized. The economic position of Hong Kong is another point which stands out. Hong Kong is a renowned financial and trading city, and the policies of Hong Kong suit these characteristics. Noticing the economic freedom, low tax rates, stabilized currency and complete law of Hong Kong, many companies are willing to have their business there. We could accomplish this as well. In addition, the economic situation fits our target. The annual GNP of Hong Kong is about US$45000, which tells us that Hong Kong citizens are generally rich, with a large purchasing power. Since our target market mainly focuses on high income customers, we believe that our brand can generate a large market in Hong Kong. Apart from that, our brand also matches the taste of Hong Kong citizens. As a metropolitan, the information flow of Hong Kong is rapid, and citizens can receive information directly. As a result, many citizens are familiar with fashion. They know how to mix and match and they notice good foreign brands. This attracts more and more fashion brands to enter Hong Kong. Recently, another Danish top brand Bruuns Bazaar has had their business in Hong Kong because of the market potential of Hong Kong. Currently, a number of citizens know what bohemian style is and they are interested in it. Having so few bohemian boutiques in Hong Kong, this would be a great opportunity for us to be the leader of this style in Hong Kong. Moreover, Hong Kong people generally like dressing casually, and that is why the simple cutting of H&M and Zara satisfies what they want. This can also be accomplished by us. The earth tone we are using is popular in Hong Kong, too. Therefore, we are sure that we can satisfy Hong Kong people’s specialized taste. The last point is related to our founder, Keld Mikkelsen. Before founding DAY, he had studied Asian tailoring and culture for over a decade in Hong Kong. He is familiar with the characteristics of Hong Kong. If our brand is open in Hong Kong, it would be not only meaningful but also useful to develop a large business with Mikkelsen’s knowledge. To develop our brand as a global business, a start in Asia is essential. There are significant cities in Asia like Singapore, Bangkok and Tokyo. However, from the perspectives of economy, physical location and social culture, Hong Kong is the best choice to promote our brand globally. Starting our business in Hong Kong would bring us to a new and more successful chapter of DAY. Mission statement, goals, objectives Mission statement To drive bohemian style into Asia and to be the leader of bohemian style in Asia by providing mass appeal but creative and unique merchandise offering superior value to customer. Through the inspirational key look and iconic design, we are committed to provide our customers with the ultimate creative design. Goals We aim at making Hong Kong citizens become interested in our unique design with bohemian style, bear in mind that DAY is a well known brand name in Hong Kong and make purchase in our shops. In addition, we will introduce our home collection into Hong Kong market within a few years. Objectives Our objective is a 40% increase in traffic in the first half month, following by a 90% increase in transactions from the first month of trading to the sixth. In the first year, we will open a flagship store. It is the first step for our brand to enter Hong Kong market and to make a great profit. Then we will open a branch store each year. With our existing non-transactional brand site already attracting 2000 visitors a day, we are tasked with increasing this number, as well as growing our 14,000 database. We have to ensure that most Hong Kong citizens aged 25-40 will recognize our brand in five years. Outside Hong Kong, we will have our self-named boutiques in ten other Asian cities within five years. SWOT analysis Strengths The first competitive advantage of our company is the experience of opening retail stores in foreign countries. We have got over 40 self-named boutiques all around Europe and 800 retailers in 25 different countries. We also have over 15 years experience of running our stores and maintaining our reputation in the market. Secondly, our unique style, bohemian style, is rarely found in Hong Kong and this is beneficial for us to enter the market. Even if the style is similar, our target customer may be different as we focus on high income customers. This would avoid direct competition with those brands having similar style as ours. For instance, in the recent spring / summer, the sub-brand of i. , b+ab, has opened a line of bohemian style clothing. However, it would not become a great competitor of our brand due to the difference in price range and customer group. b+ab targets at a younger customer group (20+) while our brand targets at a maturer customer group (30+). In addition to that, the casual style would be easier accepted by this group of customer. Furthermore, our popularity in foreign are a has built up a good image to Hong Kong. As the information flow of Hong Kong is rapid, some of the customers may already know our brand even we do not have any stores in Hong Kong. Apart from that, our high-end product strategy has kept the quality assurance of our brand and we hold two fashion shows in Copenhagen fashion week every year in order to increase our publicity. Lastly, the low inventory of each item has led to lower carrying cost and would not tide up the cash flow. The small quantity of each design has also created a sense of scarcity. We can let the customers differentiate themselves from the others with our design. Weaknesses One of the weaknesses of our brand is the location of our production factories. As they are far away from Hong Kong, the running cycle will be slowed down, which is a serious problem for a fast fashion company. Moreover, the far-away-distribution centre will cause longer lead time and high transportation cost. In addition, as the assortment of our business concentrates mainly on one specific type, Bohemian style, if Hong Kong customers do not have interest in this style, possibly there will be no market in Hong Kong. What is more, as our brand is mainly for high class customers, the customer range is narrow, and so opening chain stores in Hong Kong can be quite risky. Unlike those fast fashion brands with medium price range, it is far more difficult for high class customers to have impulse purchasing. As buying high-priced clothes is only a hedonic need, customers may have to think twice before buying the clothes, and their desire to buy the products may be lowered after considering the price and the use of the clothes. Opportunities The opportunities of our brand include the market potential in Hong Kong. Since Hong Kong customers tend to buy new clothes regularly, they are willing to accept and explode new things. Generally, they welcome new brands to enter Hong Kong market. In addition, bohemian style is quite a new style to Hong Kong. Compared with the sporty and normal casual style which has already existed in Hong Kong, it is rare to have such a retailer store selling bohemian style clothing only. The unique style may attract customers to make a visit or even make a purchase in our store. Moreover, we notice that Japanese has recently become interested in bohemian style, and quite a number of Hong Kong customers tend to follow Japanese fashion. Since Hong Kong customers today can get fashion information from different media like newspapers, television, radio, magazines, direct mail, Internet and so forth, with so many Japanese magazines reporting the latest wearing trend in their own country, which can be easily bought in Hong Kong, Hong Kong customers can access Japanese information and follow the trend easily. Threats Talking about the threats we may face, lacking experience would be one of them. As this is our first time to open a store in an Asian country, opening a flagship store in Hong Kong would be rather experimental. Operating a store in Hong Kong may not be the same as operating our own local store. The second threat is the difficulty in finding a location for the flagship store in Hong Kong, which is a crowded place and in which the rent of a store is high. As the main purpose of opening the first store in Hong Kong is to promote our brand to the public and let Hong Kong customers concern about our design, the location of the store ought to have heavy traffic of high class customers, for example, a fashion centre. However, the rent of a store in a fashion centre is always high due to the designated atmosphere and the erfect facilities. Besides, there are too many intertype competitions and so it can be difficult to enter and stay in the market. Although bohemian style is a new style to Hong Kong, there are many other fashion brands with different kinds of style with the same price range and customer group as ours. Economic recession of Hong Kong will be another threat. As the unemployment rate has been quite high, our target group may not accept the price. In 2008, Hong Kong's economy has fallen into recession for the first time in five years, and the territory's gross domestic product has contracted 0. % on a seasonally adjusted basis, after a 1. 4% fall between April and June. In 2009, according to official records, Hong Kong's economy has left a year-long recession, recording a growth of 3. 3% in the second quarter ended in June. The figures, which were seasonally adjusted, were higher than forecast by economists. As a result, the government has increased its growth predictions for 2009. Even though the economy of Hong Kong is improving, concern still exists as the purchasing power of Hong Kong customers has decreased. Retail market strategies Retail format Being a multichannel retailer, we allow customers to make their purchase at our self-named boutique, pop-up store or on the Internet. Later on, in order to let people concern more about our brand, we will also run collection shops in Hong Kong. Besides, we plan to create a Chinese version on our website so as to make Chinese customers’ purchase even more convenient, and the products would be sent to the customers’ homes directly or they can take the products personally from our store. Target market Our main target customers include high income Asian and European women and men who are fond of trendy and casual fashion and are aged 25 to 40. Their expense on clothing would be approximately $5,000 to $10,000 per month. Retail Mix Location For our first specialty store in Hong Kong, we would choose a fashion centre as our store location. Being a newly developed brand in Hong Kong, it is too risky for us to locate our first store in freestanding sites, central business district or main streets, where we are responsible for all the operation and promotion. It is also quite difficult to attract customers for their initial visit as our brand is not widely known by Hong Kong customers. Renting a store in a fashion centre, on the contrary, is much securer. Being controlled by the mall developer, common facilities like outdoor signage, parking area, parking lot light and security are provided in the shopping centre. Advertising and special events to attract consumers are also available, and operating costs can be shared with others. Apart from that, shopping centres can usually draw a large number of customers due to the wide range of product offerings, easy access, lower crime rate, and last but not least the clean and comfortable shopping environment. Our ideal fashion centres include Elements in Kowloon and Landmark in Central. Being composed mainly of upscale apparel shops, boutiques, and gift shops carrying selected fashions or unique merchandise of high quality and price, the two fashion centres successfully attract a wide range of high income and fashion-conscious local customers and tourists. Other upscale apparel shops located there may be our competitors, but we would consider them as complementary shops as we are selling completely different types of clothes. We have our own unique style. For the most significant advantage of these two malls, we would say it is the convenience brought by the public transport as both Elements and Landmark are located very close to the MTR station. In such a small city with such a dense population and so many buildings like Hong Kong, we understand that finding a store can be difficult and each foot of a store in a fashion centre can cost us a lot. Yet, we would keep paying attention to the arrangement and changes of our chosen fashion centres and properly transfer our cash flow and properties to ensure we are well-prepared for renting a store in Hong Kong. Merchandise assortment For our product categories, we aim at providing a deep assortment of simple and basic clothing. In each category, quite a number of styles would be provided in order to satisfy the customers, and there will not be big differences between the products sold in Hong Kong and our original merchandise assortment. In order to meet our customers’ needs, we will provide a wide size range of clothing from XS to XL. A wide variety of colour will be provided, too. On the other hand, only women’s and men’s wear would be sold first. As it is quite rare for Hong Kong people to buy furniture or something else in shops held by a fashion brand, we are afraid that it may be risky if we introduce our home collection at the same time we launch our first store in Hong Kong. As for the decoration of our store, items from our home collection will be used, and we will think about operating the line as well at a later stage if we notice that customers also show their interest in those items. Pricing The price range of our products is now high, and this can be also applied to Hong Kong because of the favourable economic condition of Hong Kong. The economic condition creates a lot of high income consumers to purchase goods of high prices. Therefore the adjustment of pricing will not be large. Besides, the low inventory adds value of the products. As each kind of our products is only available in a limited amount, higher price can even be achieved in Hong Kong. However, the pricing will be set lower in the first two months, about a 10% off sale, in order to attract more consumers, who always love to purchase cheaper goods. Notice that our products in Hong Kong are sold at a lower price than the initial one, they would be pleased to make a purchase and our company can gain positive images. Eventually, our company can earn long-run profits. Generally, big sales will not occur, and this can be explained by our physical location. For example, one of our chosen locations Elements has a lot of specialty stores selling luxurious and expensive products. If we offer large discounts, our products would  be  much cheaper than those of other boutiques and shops for high income consumers, and as a result we will not be favourable in this high price market competition. Another point is that when we have only one flagship store but without any outlet stores or discount stores, steady pricing, instead of offering big sales such as 70% off, which can be offered in Denmark, would be more appropriate. Yet, seasonal discount is still acceptable. We can offer about 25% off sales at the end of the seasons. On the other hand, we offer VIP systems. Inside our VIP room, there are two types of products. One is our normal products sold at a 20% discount. Another is the exclusive and limited products available only in our VIP room and sold at a price about 15% higher than our normal products, aiming at showing the special identity of the VIP members. What is more, a free home decor style reusable bag would be given to each of our VIP members as a gift after his or her purchase. Promotion In order to bring more traffic to our store, we would like promote ourselves in three aspects, which are advertising, sales promotion and public relations. 1) Advertising We would like to have institutional advertising to promote the reputation of our company by taking a series of promotion photos which can represent the style of our brand. The photos would express the relaxing and leisure feeling of bohemian lifestyle. As Hong Kong people are generally stressful and busy, photos with relaxing and comfortable feeling would be attractive and conspicuous. On the other hand, newspapers, magazines, Internet, transit advertising and outdoor advertising would be our ideal advertising media. We would like to have one to two full page advertisement on newspapers and magazines. We would choose the South China Morning Post to be the first newspaper we have our advertisement on since it is one of the most famous English newspapers in Hong Kong and their target readers are similar to our target customers. As for magazines, Hong Kong fashion magazines like Jessica and Cosmopolitan would be our choices as quite a lot of our target customers would like reading these kinds of magazines. Moreover, we would add a Chinese version to our online shop and our advertising page on Facebook in order to attract and provide convenience to the Asian market. This kind of advertisement would be less expensive but more effective than the others as we have already set up the basic program. Furthermore, transit and outdoor advertising are two effective forms of advertising to attract traffic as most people can read the advertisement when they pass by. Our advertisement would be set up on the wall of the fashion centre where our store locates, and bus-body advertisement would also be our choice as buses would run around the central business district and let people know about our brand. 2) Sales promotion In order to promote our brand, holding special events would be effective, too. For instance, we can have catwalk shows in our shop and exhibitions in different shopping malls. The exhibitions would show our new clothing of the coming season in the display area of the shopping malls, so as to provide opportunities for people to appreciate our products. Moreover, we would like to hold a seasonal discount before the coming of the next season. This can help clear the dead stock in the store effectively. Besides, we would like to set up a pop-up store for a month. The pop-up store would possibly look like a home and would be decorated in the style of our home collection, showing our comfortable and leisure bohemian style. This can let our customers view our products comfortably. One of the most suitable locations for setting up our pop-up store is Festival Walk in Kowloon Tong as the visitors of Festival Walk are quite similar to our target customers. It is also easy to access and has an ideal exhibition area in the middle of the mall. What is more, people who are attracted by our pop-up store can easily travel to our store as Festival Walk and one of our chosen locations Elements are quite nearby. Moreover, we would set up a VIP system. When customers shop for a certain amount of money, they can join our VIP. VIP members of our store can enter our VIP room and make their purchase freely and comfortably with a 10% discount. In addition to that, each of them can get a free home decor style reusable bag as a gift for packing his or her goods. This can please the customers with an exquisite packing and also help us promote our home collection line. Apart from that, letters would be sent to inform the customers of our latest news and products, and well-designed cards would also be sent on their birthdays and at some special festivals, aiming at maintaining the firm connection between our customers and our brand. ) Public relations As for the public relations, we would donate parts of our profits to Red Cross as our company has joined the Red Cross Club. This can help improve our image and more importantly support charitable foundations. For instance, we can donate 5% income of a set of product to Red Cross. We can also hold some events from which benefits would be donated to Red Cross. One exa mple is that when a customer donates his or her old pair of jeans, he or she can get a 15% off discount when he or she buys a new pair of jeans from our store, and the old jeans collected would be donate to Red Cross. Customer service In order to increase the brand loyalty of our currently existing customers and to encourage them to make their next visit, customer service is an integral part to operate our brand. As customers’ trust can be destroyed at once by a major service problem, we would like to avoid this by providing return policies, pre-order service, delivery service, and more importantly, strengthening our personal service. 1) Personal service We believe in the friendly face of retailing. Our highly professional, responsible and trustworthy staff would warmly greet our customers with courtesy. They are good at answering queries and solving problems, too. Besides, they are able to offer reassurance whenever it is needed, turn complainants into brand champions, and more importantly, actively offer assistance in selecting fashion merchandise. For example, they cross-sell related products, follow up abandoned carts, track order progress, keep a trained eye out for suspicious activities, and provide weekly activity reports. We perform promises to customers and the degree of trendy  apparels with different colors for mix and match. 2) Return policies We offer product exchange and return policies and money back guarantees. Refunds or gift cards would also be given to customers if they change their mind in respect of their purchase, as long as the items are returned within 2 days of purchase with the original receipt, original tags and original bags attached. Gift cards, sale items and samples are excluded from this policy. Customers may choose the refund by exchange to bonus point for next time purchase. 3) Pre-order Apart from return policies, pre-order service is also provided. Before making purchase, customers can take notice on our leaflet showing detailed information of each product. As they may not be able to find a suitable size of clothing for themselves, they can pre-order a specific size of clothing. Pre-order items will be arrived within two to three weeks, and customers are welcome to settle the payment within one day after placing an order. We will arrange the reservation for our customers as soon as possible, and inform customers by email before shipping and once the pre-order has been arrived at Hong Kong. 4) Delivery In order to encourage customers to buy and to provide them with convenience, free delivery service is offered on orders $5000 or over. The delivery will be made the next day after the customers settle the payment. Store design and display Similar to our local store in Denmark, simple and warm tone with yellow lighting would be the main layout of our flagship store in Hong Kong in order to provide customers with warm feeling. The display window would be plain in colour and our latest design would be shown there. In order to provide customers with home feeling, clothes racks instead of dummies would be used. For instance, a whole set of clothing can be displayed with a big whiteboard card as the background, and with the model’s face being drawn on the card. Inside our store, a VIP room exclusive for our VIP members would be built. We plan to set up the room on the second floor of the store and there would be luxurious and comfortable sofas for customer. Furniture from our home collection will possibly used to decorate the room, aiming at promoting our home collection products. Relaxing and slow background music will be used in our store. As for the wallpaper of our store, unobvious floral print will be chosen as it is widely used in home decoration. In short, we will follow the general style of Europe’s housing as our store layout. Roberto Cavalli – our existing competitor Type of products clothes, accessories, eyewear, shoes, jewels, perfumes, watches, underwear, bags Target Market high income group middle age -25-40 years old Style The main color is the series of earth tone color, blue, black and white. The exaggerate pattern are always used in their design. l  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retailer distribution cha nnels Boutiques (2067-2069,IFC Mall, Central[+852 22347621]) online store Mission| To provide women with timelessly dramatic pieces that flatter the female form. | Types of products| Mainly clothes, accessories, eyewear, shoes, jewels, perfumes, watches, underwear and bags are sold. Style| The main color of the series is earth tone color, blue, black and white, and exaggerate patterns are always used in their design. | Retailer format| Both boutiques and online shops are available. | Target market| High income customers aged 25 to 40 are their main target group. | Pricing| Most products are sold at a high price and VIP is offered. VIP can enjoy special discounts, fashion shows and parties organized by Roberto Cavalli. | Store Display| The store display of Roberto Cavalli is clean, modern and simple. White is usually used in the store color, while the lighting is direct and white. With mannequins standing behind the window, the layout is no different from many boutiques. | Promotion| As a worldwide famous brand, Roberto Cavalli puts a large amount of effort on promotion. Each season, campaigns are shot and put in large billboards outside specialty centers. These campaigns are also posted on famous fashion magazines like Elle and Vogue. Besides, under publicity, Elle often reports news of Roberto Cavalli. The target customers of Roberto Cavalli are powerful women, therefore they often organize big shows and welcoming celebrities stand on red carpets, and generate promotion with publicity. What is more, Roberto Cavalli had a crossover with H;M to organize campaigns in 2007. | Customer Service| Generally, the service approach of Roberto Cavalli is expressive. The staff care about customers' choice of clothing. They also offer the best size of clothing for the customers. Besides, Roberto Cavalli provides customers with care service, allowing customers to ask questions about their shopping experience by e-mail. | Type of products clothes, accessories, eyewear, shoes, jewels, perfumes, watches, underwear, bags Target Market high income group middle age -25-40 years old Style The main color is the series of earth tone color, blue, black and white. The exaggerate pattern are always used in their design. l  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retailer distribution channels Boutiques (2067-2069,IFC Mall, Central[+852 22347621]) online store (http://store. robertocavalli. com/navigation. asp? tskay Comparison with Roberto Cavalli The style between DAY and Roberto Cavalli is slightly different. However, as both are high-end fashion brands, some strategies are similar. For example, pricing, location and customer service strategies are relatively standard aiming at attracting the same kind of customers. Yet, our emphasis is mainly n merchandise assortment, promotion and store display to create sustainable differential advantages. In terms of the style of merchandise, DAY is presenting its specific style. As the wild, sexy style is quite common in the Hong Kong market, Roberto Cavalli can hardly provide a unique image for customers. On the contrary, the bohemian s tyle of DAY cannot be easily found in Hong Kong, especially the high-end bohemian fashion items. Therefore, it is quite hard to copy the style of DAY, and this can definitely attract a certain amount of customers. In addition, DAY’s products are more suitable for the Hong Kong citizens. Although Roberto Cavalli is also selling expensive clothing with earth tone colour, the style is more dramatic and exaggerated. The dramatic style had once been fashionable in Hong Kong in the 80s, but this trend is now fading. Hong Kong people are going back to basic, simple and relaxing clothing style. As DAY is doing the mixing of Western and Eastern styles, our products do not contrast a lot, but instead have a harmonic look. The style DAY runs is the style Hong Kong people currently want and it would last for a period of time. This creates an advantage in selling the appropriate products to the right market. As for the promotion strategy, Roberto Cavalli is very good at promoting its brand, but we have a different approach that can create a specific image of DAY. The campaigns of Roberto Cavalli are international, sexy and passionate. Yet, to develop in Asia countries, a mild advertising package would be more approachable to the customers. Considering the stressful lifestyle of Hong Kong people, the promotional photos of DAY Hong Kong express leisure bohemian lifestyle to comfort the customers. What is more, Day offers a Chinese version online shop, facilitating more Chinese consumers and Asian tourists to purchase our products. Although DAY’s target market is high income consumers, using the close and considerate promotion strategy can help us create a different image of our high-end products, and differentiate from other high-end brands like Roberto Cavalli. Talking about the store display, DAY can have a more appealing store display. Roberto Cavalli’s store display is just too simple, just like many other specialty stores. However, Day is presenting a home feeling store display. Using warm lighting and floral-printed wallpaper to comfort our customers, the environment we provide is more attractive than Roberto Cavalli does. In fact, DAY is not simply selling fashion merchandises, it is selling lifestyle. The store display and the promotion strategy are to create relaxing bohemian lifestyle to the customers. However, Roberto Cavalli is just presenting luxurious clothing and does not give a strong impact to the customers. As a matter of fact, all kinds of lifestyle are related to fashion as trend does affect lifestyle. To conclude, it is more appropriate to say that DAY is a high-end brand with our own personality, but not only a luxurious brand. Future prospects We can foresee that DAY can achieve a great success in Hong Kong. Noticing that Scandinavian fashion has been introduced to Hong Kong in recent years, and many Hong Kong citizens are quite fond of this kind of fashion, we believe that Hong Kong has a large market potential for DAY, and this potential can last for a long time. While H&M is currently the leader of Scandinavian fashion for the general public, we trust that DAY can be the leader for the high income group. In the future, we would have the following goals and objectives, in an attempt to further consolidate our business in Hong Kong. Our first goal is to introduce DAY’s lifestyle to Hong Kong citizens. Consumers purchase products only if the brand is highly recognized. To achieve this, the lifestyle of DAY should be introduced further. The simplistic lifestyle we present is what Hong Kong people are looking for. Being busy and stressful all the time, they do need a city escape. The campaigns we are currently doing can show what city escape is about. Therefore, promoting this point can advance the sales of DAY. Moreover, we would like to introduce our home collection to the customers within a few years so as to earn more profits and complete the image of DAY as a brand. To facilitate the development of our home collection, our store would mainly be plain in colour and decorated with products from our home collection. Home decor style gifts would also be given in order to provide customers with a comfortable and relaxing home feeling of DAY. Another goal is to enlarge our business by opening more shops. Our plan is to open a branch store in Hong Kong each year. Another objective of this goal is to develop our business into Asian countries. As globalization continues and imitation happens globally, we cannot focus on one location only. Being one of the fashion centres in Asia, we believe that Hong Kong can influence other Asian cities. From the starting point Hong Kong, the leader of DAY Asia, we will have our retail shops in ten other Asian cities within five years, to achieve DAY as a global brand. We hope that DAY can create bigger and bigger business. As a result, we propose that DAY should have its business Hong Kong. We hope the proposal can help continue the DAY story. Reference www. day. dk/ http://us. fashionmag. com/ http://www. tifdb. com/ www. wikepedia. org/ http://www. modeshanghai. net/ Fourthly, our high-end product strategy has kept the quality assurance of our brand. Fifthly, we have organized fashion shows regularly in order to increase our publicity. We hold two fashion shows in Copenhagen fashion week every year, spring/summer and fall winter. Sixthly, the low inventory of each item has led to lower carrying cost and would not tide up cash flow. The small quantity of each design has created a sense of scarcity. We can let the customers to differentiate themselves from the others with our design. Our aim is to carry out everyday contemporary glamor_____ Weakness One of the weaknesses of our brand is the location of our production factories. As it is far away from Hong Kong, the place we shot, it will slow down the running cycle, which is a serious problem of fast fashion industry. Moreover, the far-away-distribution centre will cause longer lead time. Secondly, as the assortment of our business has concentrated in one specific type(i. e Bohemian style), if Hong Kong customers do not have interest in this style, there will be no market in Hong Kong. Thirdly, as the brand is for high class customers, the customer range is narrow, so there will be risks on opening chain stores. Unlike the fast fashion brand which has medium price range, it is far more difficult for high-class customer to have impulse purchasing. As buying high priced clothes is only a hedonic need, customers will have to think twice before buying the clothes. The customer will be less desire to buy the product after considering the price and the need of the clothes. * Factories set in foreign countries * -> far away in Hong Kong, shipment and transportation cost is high * -> Slow down the running cycle (fast fashion) * ->Long lead time (distribution centre) assortment concentrate in one specific type * -> if Hong Kong customers do not accept/ favor on this style, there will be no market in Hong Kong. * As the brand is for high class customers, the customer range is narrow, so there will be risks on opening chain store. * Opportunities The opportunities of the brand included the market potential in Hong Kong, as Hong Kong customers tends to buy new clothes regularly, they are willing to acce pt and explode new things. They welcome new brand to enter Hong Kong market. Secondly, Bohemian style is a new style to Hong Kong. Compared with the sporty and normal casual style which have already existed in Hong Kong, there is rare to have such a retailer store selling Bohemian style clothing only. The unique style will interest the customers to make a visit or even a purchase in our store. Thirdly, as Japanese started the interest in Bohemian style recently, Hong Kong customers tends to follow the Japanese style. Nowadays Hong Kong customers can get the fashion information from different media like newspaper, television, radio, magazines, direct mail and Internet, etc. There are many Japanese magazine reporting the latest wearing trend in their own country, and these magazine can be easily bought in Hong Kong. In other words, Hong Kong can easily access the Japanese information and follow the trend. Threats Talking about the threats which would be faced, lacking experience will be one of them. This is our first time to open a store in Asian country so the flat ship store in Hong Kong would be rather experimental. The method and operation of a store may have slightly different compared with our own local store. The second threat is the difficulties in finding a location for the flat ship store in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a crowded place and the rent of a store is high. As the main purpose of opening the first store in Hong Kong is to promote our brand to the public and let Hong Kong customers concern about our design, the location of the store ought to have a heavy traffic of high-class customers, for example, fashion centre. However, the rent of fashion centre is always high due to the designated atmosphere and the perfect facilities. Thirdly, there are too many intertype competitions so it is difficult to enter and stay in the market. Though Bohemian style is a new style to Hong Kong, there are still different style of the brand appear in Hong Kong, In short, there are many fashion brand with many kinds of style according to the same price range and customer group. Economic recession of Hong Kong will be another threat, as the unemployment rate is high, our target group may not accept the price. In 2008, Hong Kong's economy has fallen into recession for the first time in five years amid a global economic slowdown the third quarter, the territory's gross domestic product contracted 0. 5% on a seasonally adjusted basis, after a 1. 4% fall between April and June. The government's economist, Helen Chan, said domestic demand faltered significantly in October, while exports fell to the lowest level since 2002. What;s more, in 2009, according to official records, Hong Kong's economy has left a year-long recession, recording a growth of 3. 3% in the second quarter ended in June. The figures, which were seasonally adjusted, were higher than forecast by economists. As a result, the government has increased its growth predictions for 2009. Though there's improvement in the economy of Hong Kong, concern is still existed as the purchasing power of Hong Kong customers is decreased.